Gilbert's narrow-footed pouch mouse

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Gilbert's narrow-footed pouch mouse
Subclass : Marsupials (Marsupialia)
Superordinate : Australidelphia
Order : Raubbeutleriformes (Dasyuromorphia)
Family : Predator (Dasyuridae)
Genre : Narrow-foot pouch mice ( Sminthopsis )
Type : Gilbert's narrow-footed pouch mouse
Scientific name
Sminthopsis gilberti
Kitchener , Stoddart & Henry, 1984
Distribution area

Gilbert's narrow-footed pouch mouse ( Sminthopsis gilberti ) is a species of marsupial mammal from the genus of narrow-foot pouch mice , which occurs in the Western Australian wheat belt and in a small coastal region south of the Nullarbor Plain .


The length of the head body of this species is 81 to 92 mm, plus a 75 to 92 mm long tail. The weight varies between 14 and 25 g. Outwardly it resembles the small long-tailed narrow-foot pouch mouse ( Sminthopsis dolichura ) and the gray- bellied narrow-foot pouch mouse ( Sminthopsis griseoventer ), whose distribution areas are north and south of the distribution area of ​​Gilbert's narrow-foot bag mouse. However, it is usually a little larger, usually has a tail that is shorter than the length of the head, longer hind feet and a lighter belly. It has a noticeable white spot behind the ears.

distribution and habitat

Gilbert's narrow-foot bag mouse occurs in the west of the distribution area in casuarina forests with sandy loam soils, in the east in open forests with populations of Eucalyptus oleosa and Eucalyptus salmonophloia and in bushland. It is probably nocturnal. Nothing more is known about the diet of the species. Like other narrow-foot pouch mice, it probably feeds primarily on insects. Gilbert's narrow-foot bag mice have their young mainly in spring and early summer. Females with young in their pouches were mainly caught in October and November.


The IUCN estimates the population of Gilbert's narrow-footed pouch mouse as Least Concern due to the frequency of the animals. It is one of the most common animal species in the Western Australian wheat belt.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Andrew Baker: Family Dasyuridae (Carnivorous Marsupials). Page 340 in Don E. Wilson , Russell A. Mittermeier : Handbook of the Mammals of the World - Volume 5. Monotremes and Marsupials. Lynx Editions, 2015, ISBN 978-84-96553-99-6 .
  2. Sminthopsis gilberti in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2016 Posted by: Johnson, CN & Hawkins, C., 2015. Accessed April 21, 2018th

Web links

Commons : Gilbert's Narrow-Footed Bag-Mouse ( Sminthopsis gilberti )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files