Ginette Martenot

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Ginette Martenot (born January 27, 1902 in Paris , † September 6, 1996 in Neuilly-sur-Seine ) was a French pianist, Ondes Martenot player and music teacher.

Live and act

Martenot was a musical child prodigy. She performed as a pianist at the age of five and was tutored by her older sister Madeleine Martenot . On the recommendation of Lazare Lévy , at the age of sixteen she was accepted into André Gedalge's class for counterpoint, fugue and composition at the Paris Conservatory . She taught at her sister's music school and also followed her wide range of interests. So she dealt with Marie Jaëll's research on tactile sensation, was enthusiastic about Louta Nounberg's film recordings , on which she was able to study the playing technique of famous pianists, attended interpretation courses from Alfred Cortot and Pablo Casals , took painting lessons and studied ethnology with Marcel Jousse at the Sorbonne .

In 1928 she accompanied her brother Maurice Martenot on the piano in the hall of the Paris Opera when he introduced the Ondes Martenot, which he had invented, to the audience. At the Paris World Exhibition in 1937 she led an orchestra of sixteen Ondes Martenot, with whom she made 72 appearances, and was awarded the Grand Prize of the Exhibition for this.

In the following years, too, Martenot devoted himself to promoting her brother's invention at concerts on five continents. During this time she also increasingly turned to the compositions of contemporary musicians, whose works she performed and received the Grand Prix du Disque in 1957 for her recording of André Jolivet's Suite Delphique . In addition, she continued to pursue her educational interests. Under the influence of Louise Artus , she introduced a fine arts department at her sister's music school. She has published several textbooks, including the multi-volume Étude Vivante du Piano (with her sister), the three-volume Cours Supérieur d'Interprétation de Bach à Messiaen and Méthode de Travail . Falk-Vayrand presented her ideas of education through the fine arts in the volume Méthode de Dessin, Peinture, Modelage .
