Giordano Rota

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Abbot Giordano Rota OSB

Giordano Rota OSB (born April 5, 1970 in Bergamo ) is a Benedictine monk and abbot of Pontida Abbey in the province of Bergamo , Italy .


Giordano Rota entered the Benedictine Abbey of Pontida in northern Italy in 1994 , made simple vows on September 1, 1996 and solemn profession in 1999 , and was ordained a priest on September 30, 2000 . He was elected Abbot President of the Congregation of Cassinese on July 28, 2010 , an office that he held until the reunification of the Congregation of Montecassino with the Congregation of Subiaco on February 7, 2013. Pope Benedict XVI appointed him on October 23, 2010 as Apostolic Administrator of the Territorial Abbey of Santissima Trinità di Cava de 'Tirreni . Rota administered this abbey until July 1, 2013. When he returned to his home monastery in Pontida, the local convent re-elected him abbot of Pontida on July 15, 2013.

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predecessor Office successor
Benedetto Maria Salvatore Chianetta OSB Apostolic Administrator of Santissima Trinità di Cava de 'Tirreni
Leone Morinelli OSB