Giorgio Trestini

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Giorgio Trestini (born March 26, 1937 in Castenaso ) is an Italian actor .


Trestini attended the "Accademia Antoniana" and played in the early 1960s in the ensemble around Giorgio De Lullo , Rossella Falk and Alida Valli , later alongside Franco Enriquez and Valeria Moriconi . His portrayal in the second part of "Mühle am Po" under Sandro Bolchi received a lot of feedback in 1971 . He is considered one of the great theater actors in Bologna and also staged “L'amore di gruppo” at the Teatro Bibiena , which was performed for almost twenty years . He also wrote two pieces, L'amore diabolico and L'amore scientifico . For the screen, he often worked with director Salvatore Nocita , and in 1972 he also began appearing in motion pictures. His tall and robust appearance often let him take on the parts of menacing, often emotionally driven minor characters; in his later career he was engaged in numerous successful films in notable guest roles.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberto Poppi, article Giorgio Trestini , in: Dizionario del cinema italiano. Gli attori. Gremese 1998, pp. 502/503