Giorgio Valla

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Giorgio Valla (* around 1447 in Piacenza , † 1499 in Venice ) was an Italian physician, astronomer , Latin and Greek philologist and musicologist.


The exact date of birth of Valla cannot be determined, some sources mention 1430, others 1450, still others 1457. Valla was from 1476 "Professor Humaniorum" in Venice.



  • JL Heiberg, contributions to the history of Georg Vallas and his library , "Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen" supplement XVI, 1896, pp. 2-6; 54-103.
  • JL Heiberg, Retrospective on Georg Valla , 15 (1898) 4/5, pp. 189 ff online

Individual evidence

  1. Eckstein: Nomenclator philologorum, 1871. Quoted from the WBIS
  2. ^ Eitner: Biographical-bibliographical source lexicon of musicians and music scholars, 1904. Quoted from the WBIS
  3. Dragoni-Bergia-Gottardi: Dizionar. biogr. degli Scienziati ... 1999. Quoted from the WBIS