Giovanni Aurelio Augurello

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Giovanni Aurelio Augurello , also Augurelli, (* around 1456 in Rimini , † 1524 in Treviso ) was an Italian humanist, poet and alchemist .


Augurello studied law in Rome, Florence (around 1474) and Padua and came into contact in Florence with Marsilio Ficino and Angelo Poliziano, among others . From 1503 he taught classical literature in Treviso and was there among the humanists around Aldus Manutius in Venice , where he published a volume of poetry (Carmine) in 1505. He was a poet in the succession of Petrarch , but also in his Latin poems as the successor to the Latin classics Ovid and Horace. Pietro Bembo was probably his pupil and he may have worked on his Prose della volgar lingua from 1512.

Augurello experimented with metals himself, made paints for a painter friend and in 1515 published an allegorical poem Chrysopoeia (in hexameters) about gold making and alchemy, which was dedicated to Pope Leo X. According to legend, the Pope only returned the favor with an empty wallet with the remark that alchemical goldmakers no longer needed. It found its way into early modern collections of alchemy such as the Theatrum Chemicum and the Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa .


  • Carminum liber. Verona 1491.
  • Jambicus liber II; Sermonum liber II; Carminum liber II; Libellus iambicus super additus. Venice 1505.
  • Chrysopoeiae libri III et Geronticon liber primus. Venice 1515, Basel 1518, Strasbourg 1565, Antwerp 1582 and more.
  • Le Rime. Ed. G. Compagnoni, Treviso 1765.
  • Carmina nondum vulgata. Ed. C. Zollio, Rimini 1818.


  • Zweder von Martels: Augurello's 'Chrysopoeia' (1515) - a turning point in the literary tradition of alchemical texts. Early Science and Medicine, Vol. 5, 2000, pp. 178-195.
  • Joachim Telle : Augurellus, Johannes Aurelius, poet, philologist, alchemist (approx. 1456 - approx. 1524). Lexicon of the Middle Ages , 1980.
  • François Secret: L'édition par Frobenius de la Chrysopoeia d'Augurelli. A poem about alchemy. Bibliothèque d'humanisme et renaissance: Travaux et documents, Volume 38, 1976, pp. 111-112.

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Individual evidence

  1. Date of birth according to Robert Weiss, Dizionario Biografico (see web links) and Joachim Telle (see literature), earlier it was often given as 1441