Giovanni Battista Marchetti

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Giovanni Battista Marchetti , or Giovan Battista Marchetti (* 1686 in Predore ; † August 15, 1758 in Brescia ), was an Italian architect.


Giovanni Battista Marchetti was born in Predore to Cristoforo and Caterina Fedrighini.

In 1695 he moved to Brescia, as a guest of his uncle and master Bernardo Fedrighini, the head of work on the new cathedral, the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta or rather the summer cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta.

Marchetti initially worked with his uncle for the Martinengo Palatini palace and later designed numerous works for both the city of Brescia and the province.

He was very active in Brescia, whose citizenship he obtained in 1718. His name is best known in connection with the Fè d'Ostiani palace, begun in 1716 after changing a project by Manfredi of Bologna. Marchetti transformed the palace into a typical baroque palace with rich decorations.

His son, Abbot Antonio Marchetti (1724–1791), left us extensive documentation on his father's work, which shows the transition from Baroque to Neoclassicism and the importance of the father for the culture of Brescia.

In 1727 Marchetti completed the chapels of the Blessed Sacrament in the parish church of Concesio and the two adjoining chapels dedicated to Saint Charles Borromeo and Saint Catherine of Alexandria .

Four years later he created the second dome of Santa Maria dei Miracoli (1731) in Brescia and the central building of the Villa Avogadro in Rezzato .

1733 was a very important year, as after the death of his uncle he was given the job of overseeing the work on the new cathedral, which he kept for the rest of his life.

In the following year he also took over the management of the work on the church of Santa Maria della Pace based on a design by the Venetian architect Giorgio Massari.

In 1740 he built the chancellery and portal of the bishopric and started work on the parish church of Padernello, which lasted 6 years.

In the following years he worked for the Rosary Chapel in San Clemente (1743–1747), for the Biblioteca Queriniana (1745–1747), for a cemetery in Bagnolo Mella (1746), for the church institute Sant'Eustachio in Brescia (1747), for the library of the monastery of San Giuseppe (1757–1758).

Among the designed and built residential buildings, the Soardo Bruni-Conter should be mentioned, which is characterized by the spectacular inner courtyard; the Gambara, now the seat of the Episcopal Seminary of Sant'Angelo; the atrium, staircase and pavilion of the Martinengo di Padernello garden, reconstruction of an existing one from the 15th century, with an inner courtyard with overlapping rows.

In his last years, Marchetti, who suffers from health problems and increasing blindness, was supported by his son Antonio.

Giovanni Battista Marchetti died in Brescia on August 15, 1758.


  • P. Bassani: “Ville di delizia”: architettura nobiliare e territorio nella Lombardia settecentesca, in Lombardia barocca e tardobarocca: arte e architettura . Milan 2005 (Italian).
  • G. Cappelletto: L'architettura dei secoli XVII e XVIII . In: Storia di Brescia . tape III . Brescia 1964, p. 342, 350, 383-385, 391, 393, 477 (Italian).
  • M. Forni: “Case da nobile”: architettura civile nelle città lombarde tra Seicento e Settecento, in Lombardia barocca e tardobarocca: arte e architettura . Milan 2005 (Italian).
  • S. Guerrini: Chiese bresciane dei secoli XVII e XVIII . Brescia 1981 (Italian).
  • F. Lechi: Le dimore bresciane in cinque secoli di storia . tape VI . Brescia 1979 (Italian).
  • F. Repishti: Protagonisti e culture architettoniche nelle Lombardie tra Seicento e Settecento . In: Lombardia barocca e tardobarocca: arte e architettura . Milan 2005 (Italian).
  • MG Sandri, V. Zanella: Ville della provincia di Brescia . Milan 1985 (Italian).
  • AM Matteucci: L'architettura del Settecento . Turin 1988 (Italian).
  • C. Zani: La villa Avogadro poi Fenaroli . In: Rezzato, materiali per una storia . Rezzato 1985 (Italian).
  • V. Terraroli: Settecento lombardo . Milan 1991 (Italian).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k Giovanni Battista Marchetti. In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI).
  2. a b c d e f g h i j Marchetti Giovanni Battista ( it ) Retrieved January 12, 2019.
  3. a b c le muse . tape VII . De Agostini, Novara 1966, Giovanni Battista Marchetti, p. 258 (Italian).