Giovanni Ceva

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Giovanni Ceva (born December 7, 1647 in Milan , † June 15, 1734 in Mantua ) was an Italian mathematician . The mathematician and poet Tommaso Ceva (1648–1736) is his brother.

After attending the Jesuit college in Milan and studying mathematics at the University of Pisa , he worked in Mantua from 1686 as "Matematico Cesareo e Commessario Generale dell 'Acque di tutto lo Stato". He was buried in the church of Santa Teresa de 'Carmelitani Scalzi in Mantua.

He was mainly concerned with geometry . In 1678 he published the book "De lineis rectis se invicem secantibus, statica constructio" which also contained the " Sentence of Ceva ". In the course of his life he published other mathematics books, including a book with mathematical studies on economics using the example of Mantuas (De Re Nummeraria) and one on hydraulics (Opus hydrostaticum).


De lineis rectis se invicem secantibus statica constructio , 1678


  • Ugo BaldiniCeva, Giovanni. In: Alberto M. Ghisalberti (Ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 24:  Cerreto – Chini. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1980, birth probably December 1647; Date of death 13 May 1734 ..
  • H. Oettel, Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
  • A. Brigaglia and P. Nastasi, The solutions of Girolamo Saccheri and Giovanni Ceva to Ruggero Ventimiglia's 'Geometram quaero': Italian projective geometry in the late seventeenth century (Italian), Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. 30 (1): 7-44 (1984).
  • G. Loria, Per la biografia de Giovanni Ceva, Rendiconti dell'istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere 48 (1915), 450–452.
  • A. Procissi, Di alcune lettere di Giovanni Ceva, Atti Secondo Congresso Un. Mat. Ital. (Rome, 1942), 895-896.
  • A. Procissi, Lettere di Giovanni Ceva ad A Magliabechi con note bibliografiche, Period. Mat. (4) 20: 289-312 (1940).

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