Giovanni Francesco Alessandro Arcasio

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Giovanni Francesco Alessandro Arcasio (born January 23, 1712 in Bistagno , † December 25, 1791 ibid) was an Italian legal scholar.

Arcasio studied not only law at the University of Turin , but also the Latin language . He was admitted to the bar in 1733 and by King Charles Emanuel III. of Sardinia appointed professor of civil law in Turin in 1748 . He practiced this profession in 1777 from Viktor Amadeus III. appointed senator and given a pension until shortly before his death. In the last part of his life he retired to a Camaldolese monastery near Turin for one month every year . He was an excellent expert on Roman law. His main work, divided into five parts, a commentary on civil law (Commentarii iuris civilis) , appeared in eight volumes from 1782–84 in Turin and contains the material of his lectures at the University of Turin. He died in Bistagno in late 1791 at the age of 79. The following year, Giuseppe Vernazza , Baron von Freney, wrote a laudatory obituary for Arcasio in the Biblioteca Oltremontana e Piemontese .
