Girl Guides Association of Grenada

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The Girl Guides Association of Grenada ( GGAG ) together with The Scout Association of Grenada form the scout movement in Grenada . The girls' movement had 2,288 members in 2012. It was founded in November 1925 at the Anglican High School (then: Church of England High School). In 1990 she became an Associate Member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) . She gained full membership in 2011 on the occasion of the 34th World Conference in Edinburgh , Scotland on November 11th – 15th. July 2011.


The first Girl Guide tribe (company) in Grenada was formed at Church of England High School in November 1925. Other guide companies followed. Brownie packs were introduced in 1927 and the first Ranger Guide Company in 1928. Today tribes are found in all parishes , mainly schools

On January 31, 1951, Olave Baden Powell visited Grenada.

In 1985 the Association held its first international camp, to which Associations from neighboring Caribbean countries were invited. In the next few years trainers and consultants from the World Association visited Grenada to contribute to the development.

In 1989 the first Rainbow Unit started in Birchgrove in Parish St. Andrew .


There are five sections: Rainbows, Brownies, Girl Guides, Ranger Guides and Young Leaders. The program is based on an eight-point system of physical fitness, mind, closeness to nature, DIY skills, serving others, relationships, creativity and character.

The sections are divided according to age:

  • Rainbows - ages 4 through 7
  • Brownies - 7 to 11
  • Girl guides - 10-16
  • Rangers - 15-25
  • Young Leaders - 16 to 23


The Girl Guides Association works closely with local and regional organizations for social development and with NGOs on advocacy projects, as well as with initiatives of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. There are collaborations with Grenada National Organization for Women (GNOW), The Scout Association of Grenada , The Rotary Club of Grenada , The St. George's Lions Club , The Conference of Churches in Grenada .

Grenada is part of the Caribbean Link for Guiding , which was set up to provide mutual support between member organizations.


Grenada hosted the 15th Western Hemisphere Regional Conference in 2019 .


The council , led by a president, is the governing body of the Girl Guides Association of Grenada. It consists of an elected managing director, the chief commissioner and other commissioners. Council members should be members of at least one sub-committee.

The Executive Committee is a permanent sub-committee of the Council. It is run by the Chief Commissioner. The Council Secretary , Treasurer and Commissioners are on the Committee.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Girl Guides Association of Grenada. World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts November 2, 2009.
  2. : Welcome to 15th Western Hemisphere Regional Conference!