Gisela Schulze

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Gisela C. Schulze

Gisela C. Schulze (born December 24, 1960 in Erfurt ) is a German rehabilitation teacher and university professor.


Schulze received his doctorate in educational psychology from the Rostock University Hospital . Your habilitation as a Dr. phil. habil. took place in the subject special education . From 2002 to 2004 she was a university lecturer in the field of pedagogy for the disabled at the University of Bremen .

Schulze has been a university professor for general special and rehabilitation pedagogy at the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg since 2004 . Since 2006 she has been head of the “Hearing Sensitive University Oldenburg” working group there to promote inclusion in school / university and at work.

Her main research interests are person-environment analysis, absenteeism / dropout and health care / inclusion.

Works (selection)

  • Educational music therapy versus aggressive behavior in school age . Aachen 2002
  • Patterns of behavior that avoid classes . Hamburg 2003
  • Families in multi-problem situations, children in multi-problem situations . Oldenburg 2005
  • Children at risk in family and school . Oldenburg 2006
  • School absenteeism and dropout . Oldenburg 2007

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