Giuseppe Grioli

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Giuseppe Grioli (born  April 10, 1912 in Messina ; †  March 4, 2015 ibid) was an Italian mathematician and physicist, one of the main exponents of mathematical physics in Italy and the continuation of the work of Antonio Signorini .


Grioli doctorate on 27 October 1936 with a thesis on "the thermal conductivity of gases at low pressures" with distinction under the scientific leadership of Antonio Rostagni at the University of Messina in physics, and the following year in mathematics. In 1938 he became a researcher at the National Institute for the Application of the Computation of the CNR , of which he later became deputy director. In 1949 he was appointed professor of mechanics by the University of Padua , where he spent his academic career.

Grioli held the chair for rational mechanics in the natural science faculty in Padua, where he was president from 1968 to 1975. In 1969 he was made an associate member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei , and in 1979 he became dean of the "Mechanics and Applications of Mathematics" department. Grioli later retired in Padua .

Grioli was a member of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti and the Italian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts , among others .

His main research interests were the dynamics of rigid systems, the mechanics of the continuum with special consideration of reversible transformations, materials with internal structure and the theory of vibrations. In his 1962 treatise "Mathematical Theory of Elastic Equilibrium", see main works, Grioli deepened the studies of the mathematician Antonio Signorini on the theory of nonlinear elasticity and thus laid the foundations for the theory of microstructures. One of the many applications of this theory is the prediction of collapse mechanisms that helps innovative materials in building construction and civil engineering to develop.

For his results he received the 1973 Accademia dei Lincei Prize in the Mathematics, Mechanics and Applications section. In 1969 he became a corresponding and in 1979 full member of the Accademia dei Lincei.

Grioli died in 2015 at the age of 102.

Major works

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry by Grioli in the Enciclopedia Italiana, 1992, Treccani

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