Giuseppe Mariani

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Giuseppe Mariani (* 1681 in Pistoia , † 1731 in Palermo ) was an Italian Baroque architect in Sicily .

Born in Pistoia, Mariani came to Palermo around 1700 after a short stopover in Rome . There he was considered a student and collaborator of Paolo and Giacomo Amato and, like the latter, belonged to the order of the Camillians . During his stay in Rome and through relevant literature, such as that of Guarino Guarini , he dealt with baroque architecture, especially that of Francesco Borromini . His design for the Church of SS. Cosmas e Damiano in Alcamo was entirely in the spirit of Borromini's Sant 'Ivo alla Sapienza in Rome. Giuseppe completed the dome of San Giuseppe dei Teatini in Palermo in 1725 , which he covered with colored ceramics.


  • Maria Giuffrè: Baroque Sicily. Michael Imhof, Petersberg 2007, ISBN 978-3-86568-264-2 , pp. 108, 112, 236 and 244 (fig.)