Smooth thick

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Smooth thick

Smooth fat ( Acipenser nudiventris )

Class : Ray fins (Actinopterygii)
Subclass : Cartilage organoids (chondrostei)
Order : Sturgeon (Acipenseriformes)
Family : Sturgeon (Acipenseridae)
Genre : Acipenser
Type : Smooth thick
Scientific name
Acipenser nudiventris
Lovetzky , 1828

The smooth thick ( Acipenser nudiventris ), also thick or smooth sturgeon is a species of fish from the family of sturgeon .


The coloring is different depending on the location. Usually the back is ash gray, reddish brown to dark blue. The ventral side and the bony shields behind the eyes are dirty white. The number of back shields is 12 to 15, the side shields 60 and more.

The head has a conical muzzle, the lower lip is not split. The length of the relatively stocky fish is very different. Some of them rarely grow to be two meters long. The smooth fat can weigh up to 50, exceptionally up to 80 kilograms, but on average only 8 to 10 kilograms.


The smooth fat occurred in the southern part of the Caspian Sea and in the Aral Sea , in the latter it is now extinct. The species was very rarely found in the Danube , Black Sea and Sea of ​​Azov .

Way of life

It is a migratory fish that soars into the Volga , Kura and Urals rivers in autumn and spring . Autumn hikers overwinter in the river in special holes in the bottom. The spawning season is from March to May. Its diet consists mainly of molluscs and, especially in the Caspian Sea, also of fish.


  • Gunter Steinbach (Ed.): Freshwater fish in European waters. Mosaik, Munich 1984, ISBN 3-576-10564-6 .
  • Werner Ladiges, Dieter Vogt: The freshwater fish of Europe to the Urals and Caspian Sea. 2nd Edition. Parey, Hamburg 1979, ISBN 3-490-18818-7 .

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