Smooth-pored stem bovist

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Smooth-pored stem bovist
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Mushroom relatives (Agaricaceae)
Genre : Stielboviste ( Tulostoma )
Type : Smooth-pored stem bovist
Scientific name
Tulostoma armillatum

The smooth-pored stem bovist ( Tulostoma armillatum , syn . T. fulvellum ) is a very rare type of mushroom from the family of mushroom relatives , the fruit body of which is stalked like a belly mushroom .



The stalked, initially spherical and later slightly flattened head has a diameter of 9–13 mm. The exoperidy , which is a mixture of loose hyphae with sand and substrate particles, occurs from the endoperidy . The endoperidia is yellow-brown to brown, smooth after the last remains of the exoperidia have fallen off and later, when the fruiting body dries up, paper-like and thin. The apical opening, the peristome, is noticeably brighter than the endoperidia. The opening is frayed and fibrous and does not form a tube, but is initially not raised and only later forms a flat to clear cone when the fruiting body dries out and weathers. The gleba is cinnamon or pale cinnamon. The attachment point of the stem is marked as a clear stem base. The light to dark brown stalk is up to 40 mm long and 3–5 mm thick. At first it is fibrous or flaky. Later, when the flaky, fibrous outer layer falls off, it is longitudinally grooved. The stem base shows a conspicuous stem nodule. White, strong rhizomorphs are present underneath the stem nodule .


The spores are smooth in both the light microscope and the electron microscope and measure 3.5–5 × 2.5–3 µm. They are egg to pear-shaped, some also tear-shaped. The apiculus shows a clear annular bulge at the break-off edge. The capillitium consists of thick-walled, almost colorless, hyaline to light ocher colored, septate and branched capillitium fibers 2.5–6 µm thick. The septa of the scalp fibers are not or hardly enlarged. Buckles are missing.

Species delimitation

Bresadola (in Petri 1904) described Tulostoma armillatum and Tulostoma fulvellum as separable species. Due to the formation of the peristoma, he separated the two as follows: T. armillatum with a mammalian peristoma, T. fulvellum with a flat and non-mammalian peristoma. However, this difference is due to different age and weathering stages. Since there are no further distinguishing features, the two taxa are considered synonyms.

The feature combination of loose-hyphigen and not membranous Exoperidiums, the fimbriaten Persitoms and the light-optical (and electron-optical) smooth and strikingly shaped spores enables reliable identification of this species. Tulostoma fimbriatum shares the characteristic value of Exoperidie and the peristome, but can be macroscopically on the basis of light endoperidia and can be easily distinguished microscopically on the basis of the warty and spherical spores.


The species occurs only in Europe and is mainly distributed in the Mediterranean . Evidence is also known from France, Switzerland, Austria (Vienna) and southern Germany.


The only place of discovery in Germany ( Baden-Württemberg ) of the smooth-spored stem bovist has been extinct since 1961. The species is also rare in the root area (Mediterranean region). There is only one known find of this type from Spain from 1973.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Jorge E. Wright: The Genus Tulostoma (Gasteromycetes) - A World Monograph . In: Bibliotheca Mycologica . tape 113 . J. Cramer, Berlin / Stuttgart 1987, pp. 1-338 .
  2. a b c d e f Francisco D. Calonge: Gasteromycetes, I. Lycoperdales, Nidulariales, Pallales, Sclerodermatales, Tulostolatales . In: Flora Mycologica Inerica . tape 3 . J. Cramer, Madrid / Berlin / Stuttgart 1998, pp. 1-271 .
  3. a b c L. Petri: Sul valore diagnostico del capillizio nel genere "Tylostoma" Pers. In: Annales Mycologici . tape 2 , no. 5 , 1904, pp. 412-438 .
  4. ^ A b Wulfard Winterhoff, German J. Krieglsteiner: Gasteromycetanae . In: German J. Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.): Die Großpilze Baden-Württemberg . tape 2 . Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-8001-3531-0 , p. 102-204 .
  5. ^ Dämmrich, F., Gminder, A., Hardtke, H.-J., Karasch, P., Schmidt, M. & Wehr, K: Database of mushrooms in Germany. German Society for Mycology, accessed on April 5, 2020 .