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Crystallographic structure of a glutaminase protein dimer from Chryseobacterium proteolyticum .
Secondary to quaternary structure Homodimer
Isoforms 3
Gene name (s) GLS GLS2
External IDs
Enzyme classification
EC, category hydrolase
Response type Deamination
Substrate L-glutamine + H 2 O
Products L-glutamate + NH 3
Parent taxon Creature

The glutaminases ( L -Glutaminamidohydrolasen) are enzymes from the group of amidases (also amidohydrolases ) consisting of the amino acid glutamine with absorption of water (H 2 O) and release of ammonia (NH 3 ) glutamate produce. Glutaminases are found in the nerve and glial cells of all higher living beings and can be activated by phosphates and calcium ions (Ca 2+ ).

Catalyzed equilibrium

L-glutamine + H 2 O + NH 3 L-glutamate

The hydrolysis of L -glutamine produces L -glutamate and ammonia. This reaction is the first step in glutaminolysis .

Individual evidence

  1. PDB  3A56 ; Hashizume R, Mizutani K, Takahashi N, Matsubara H, Matsunaga A, Yamaguchi S, Mikami B: Crystal structure of protein-glutaminase . In: to be published . 2010. doi : 10.2210 / pdb3a56 / pdb .
  2. ^ Wissenschaft-Online-Lexika: Entry on glutaminase in the Lexikon der Neuroswissenschaft , accessed on December 5, 2012.