Gnaeus Baebius Tamphilus (Praetor)

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Gnaeus Baebius Tamphilus († after 167 BC) was a in the 2nd century BC. Living politician of the Roman Republic from the plebeian family of the Baebier .

Little is known of Baebius' life. 168 BC He served as the city ​​praetor of Rome . In the following year, 167 BC. Together with Publius Aelius Ligus (consul 172 BC), Gaius Cicereius , Publius Terentius Tuscivicanus and Publius Manilius (perhaps father of the consul of the same name from 120 BC), he belonged to a five-member Senate Commission, whose task was in the reorganization Illyria existed.

It is possible that Gnaeus Baebius Tamphilus is identical to the Praetorian of the same name, mentioned by the older Pliny , who died unexpectedly without the cause of death being ascertainable.



  1. Titus Livius 44, 17, 5.
  2. ^ Livy 45, 17, 4.
  3. Pliny the Elder, Naturalis historia 7, 182.