Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Augur

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Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Augur († 25 ), son of Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus, was a Roman politician and senator at the time of the emperors Augustus and Tiberius .

Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus came from a good but impoverished family. Augustus gave him a hand and promoted his career. In 14 BC He was the ordinary consul at the side of Marcus Pupius Piso Frugi Calpurnianus . During the battles of the Romans on the Danube , he was probably around 10 to 6 BC. BC, legacy . He was able to achieve some successes against the Dacians and Sarmatians and was awarded the triumph insignia for this. 2/1 v. He was proconsul of the province of Asia . After Augustus 'death he accompanied Drusus to Dalmatia in AD 14 to put down the soldiers' revolt. Several times, especially in 16 and 22, he advocated the policy of Tiberius in the Senate. He was a loyal supporter of the imperial family and therefore survived a majesty trial in 24 without any problems .

Lentulus was a member of the colleges of the Augurs and the Arval Brothers . In the course of his career he was able to amass a large fortune that fell to the emperor after his death.
