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Gudgeon (Gobio gobio)

Gudgeon ( Gobio gobio )

without rank: Otophysa
Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Gudgeon relatives (Gobionidae)
Subfamily : Gobioninae
Genre : Gobio
Scientific name
Cuvier , 1816

Gobio is a genus of small carp fish . The almost 40 valid species mainly inhabit clear rivers in Europe and Asia . Two species, the gudgeon ( Gobio gobio ) and Gobio macrocephalus , also penetrate the brackish water.


The representatives of the genus have an elongated, only slightly flattened, mostly almost cylindrical body. The clearly underneath the mouth has narrow and soft lips. A pair of barbels is always present. The toothless jaws are blunt and without horn coating. All species have two rows of fangs, the first of which usually has five and the second row of two or three teeth. The cylindrical pharynx teeth are equipped with pointed hook-shaped tips, the grinding surfaces are reduced. The gill trap is formed by only a few short but strong and clearly separated processes. Fixed scales cover most of the body, with the scaling of the breast being subject to great variability. Usually the dorsal fin is supported by seven divided soft rays, one species also has eight or less often nine rays. The anal fin has six divided soft rays. The caudal fin is clearly notched. Along the straight and completely distinct sidelines wear Gobio 36-51 shed.


supporting documents

  1. Gobio macrocephalus on Fishbase.org (English)
  2. ^ Petru M. Bănărescu: The Freshwater Fishes of Europe , Aula-Verlag, Wiebelsheim 1999, ISBN 3-89104-044-X . (Volume 5. Cyprinidae 2, Part I: Rhodeus to Capoeta) pp. 33-36

Web links

Commons : Gobio  - collection of images, videos and audio files