Gobio lozanoi

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Gobio lozanoi
Gobio lozanoi 01 by-dpc.jpg

Gobio lozanoi

without rank: Otophysa
Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Gudgeon relatives (Gobionidae)
Genre : Gobio
Type : Gobio lozanoi
Scientific name
Gobio lozanoi
Doadrio & Madeira , 2004

Gobio lozanoi is a freshwater fish from the carp family (Cyprinidae). The species was only described in 2004after it was established by examination of the mitochondrial DNA that the gudgeons of the Iberian Peninsula differ from Gobio gobio and form an independent species. The species was named in honor of Luis Lozano Rey (1879-1958), a Spanish naturalist and ichthyologist .


Gobio lozanoi has a typical, elongated and slightly flattened gudgeon shape and becomes 12 cm long. The head is wider and shorter than that of the Central European gudgeon ( G. gobio ), the barbels are, except in the Adour and Bidasoa, longer and reach to the rear of the eyes. The head length is 25 to 28% of the standard length , the head height 62 to 72% of the head length. The eye diameter is 1.2 to 1.8 times larger than the distance between the eyes. The scales are larger than those of the gudgeon. The distance between the pectoral and pelvic fins is greater than that between the pelvic fins and anal fin. The height of the tail fin stalk is 1.6 to 2 times the length.

Gobio lozanoi is gray or brown above the sideline and light brown below. A longitudinal band of 6 to 12 dark spots stretches along the sideline, below the eyes there is a characteristic dark, long spot. With the exception of the ventral side, the scales have a dark border.

Distribution area

distribution and habitat

The distribution area includes the north and center of the Iberian Peninsula and the Adour in southwest France. Gobio lozanoi is missing there only in Galicia , in most of Catalonia and on the north coast in Asturias and Cantabria . The habitat are rivers and streams with clear water and sandy or scree bottoms in the low mountain ranges and in the plains. Rivers in which the fish occurs are Bidasoa , Duero , Ebro , the upper reaches of the Guadiana , Guadalquivir , Júcar , the upper reaches of the Llobregat , Mondego , Mijares , Nalon , Nansa , Rio Miño , Río Segura , Tajo and Turia .


  • Doadrio, I. and MJ Madeira 2004: A new species of the genus Gobio Cuvier, 1816 (Actynopterigii, Cyprinidae) from the Iberian Peninsula and southwestern France. Graellsia 60 (1): 107-116. PDF

Web links

Commons : Gobio lozanoi  - collection of images, videos and audio files