Gold band ornamental tetra

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Gold band ornamental tetra

Gold banded tetras ( Nannostomus harrisoni )

Order : Tetras (Characiformes)
Family : Slender tetra (Lebiasinidae)
Subfamily : Pyrrhulininae
Genre : Ornamental tetra ( Nannostomus )
Type : Gold band ornamental tetra
Scientific name
Nannostomus harrisoni
( Eigenmann , 1909)

The gold banded ornamental tetra ( Nannostomus harrisoni ) belongs to the family of the slender tetra (Lebiasinidae) and occurs in the basin of the Demerara River in Guyana . It is the only species of the subgenus Poecilibrycon in the genus Nannostomus .


The Goldbinden ornamental tetra has an elongated, torpedo-shaped body and, according to various sources, is 4.5 to 6 centimeters long. Its body is 5.4 times as long as it is tall. The top is brownish, underneath there is a golden lengthwise band, underneath it is a black lengthwise band. Both extend from the tip of the snout to the base of the caudal fin. There is a red spot above and below the bandages. The ventral side is silvery white. An adipose fin is present. The male has a more strongly colored anal fin.

Gold-banded tetra lay 30 to 50 eggs on the underside of aquatic plant leaves (e.g. from Hygrophila ). The fry hatch after 24 hours and swim free after five days.

Fin formula : dorsal 2/8, anal 1 / 10–11, ventral 2/7


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