Goldthroat Bearded Bird

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Goldthroat Bearded Bird
Goldthroat Bearded Bird

Goldthroat Bearded Bird

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Woodpecker birds (Piciformes)
Family : Asiatic bearded birds (Megalaimidae)
Genre : Green Bearded Birds ( Megalaima )
Type : Goldthroat Bearded Bird
Scientific name
Megalaima franklinii
( Blyth , 1842)

The golden-throated bearded bird ( Megalaima franklinii , syn .: Psilopogon franklinii ) is up to 23 centimeters in size and is a widespread representative of the woodpecker bird order , which occurs in East and Southeast Asia.


The birds have green plumage that is a little lighter on the belly. The head area is particularly noticeably colored by its yellow throat, top of the head, the gray to black area next to the eyes and 2 red spots, one of them at the base of the beak and the other at the back of the neck. The rear parts of the wings are black and the legs are gray to dark black in color.

Way of life

The diurnal birds search for food in the treetops of the mountain forests, where they collect fruits such as figs and insects and their larvae. In the blazing midday heat, the birds take a rest phase. The song is monosyllabic and is repeated aloud several times by the bird.

distribution and habitat

This species inhabits the mountain forests at heights of 800 to 2400 meters in Nepal , southern China to Southeast Asia.


The nest is created by the birds in rotten trees or abandoned woodpecker holes. The hatching of the 2 to 3 white colored eggs, which can take up to 17 days, and the care of the young are done by both parents.


So far, five subspecies are known:

  • Megalaima franklinii franklinii ( Blyth , 1842) - The nominate form occurs in the eastern Himalayas and northeastern India to the south of the People's Republic of China and north of Vietnam .
  • Megalaima franklinii ramsayi Walden , 1875 - This subspecies is common in the east and south-east of Myanmar and in the north-west of Thailand .
  • Megalaima franklinii auricularis ( Robinson & Kloss , 1919) - This subspecies is found in southern Laos and southern Vietnam .
  • Megalaima franklinii trangensis ( Riley , 1934) - This subspecies is only found in southern Thailand
  • Megalaima franklinii minor ( Kloss & Chasen , 1926) - This subspecies is common in western Malaysia .


  • Jiří Felix (eds.), Květoslav Hísek: Asian fauna in color. Translated from the Czech by Ingeborg Šestáková. Karl Müller Verlag, Erlangen 1989, p. 133.
  • Edward Blyth: Notes on various Indian an Malayan Birds, with Descriptions of some presumed new species . In: The journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal . tape 11 , no. 122 , 1842, pp. 160–195 ( online [accessed March 12, 2015]).
  • Herbert Christopher Robinson, Cecil Boden Kloss: On Birds from South Annan and Cochin China . In: The Ibis (=  11 ). tape 1 , no. 22 , 1911, pp. 392–453 ( online [accessed March 12, 2015]).
  • Cecil Boden Kloss, Frederick Nutter Chasen: Messrs. C. Boden Kloss and JN Chasen sent the following descriptions of new races of Oriental birds . In: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club . tape 46 , no. 299 , 1926, pp. 57–58 ( online [accessed March 12, 2015]).
  • Arthur Hay, 9th Marquess of Tweeddale: Descriptions of some undescribed Species of Birds discovered by Lieutenant Wardlaw Ramsey in Burma . In: Annals and Magazine of Natural history including Zoology, Botany, and Geology (=  4 ). tape 15 , 1875, p. 400-403 ( online [accessed March 12, 2015]).
  • Joseph Harvey Riley: One new genus and three new races of birds from the Malay region . In: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington . tape 47 , 1934, pp. 115–117 ( online [accessed March 12, 2015]).

Web links

Commons : Goldthroat Bearded Bird ( Megalaima franklinii )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. IOC World Bird List Jacamars, puffbirds, toucans, barbets & honeyguides
  2. ^ Edward Blyth, p. 167.
  3. ^ Arthur Hay, 9th Marquess of Tweeddale, p. 400.
  4. Herbert Christopher Robinson et al. a., p. 428.
  5. ^ Joseph Harvey Riley, p. 116.
  6. Cecil Boden Kloss u. a., p. 57.