Slender smooth shark

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Slender smooth shark
Gollum attenuatus macauley1.jpg

Slender Smooth Shark ( Gollum attenuatus )

without rank: Sharks (selachii)
Superordinate : Galeomorphii
Order : Ground Sharks (Carcharhiniformes)
Family : Pseudotriakidae
Genre : Gollum
Type : Slender smooth shark
Scientific name
Gollum attenuatus
( Garrick , 1954)

The slim smooth shark ( Gollum attenuatus ) is a species of the genus Gollum within the family Pseudotriakidae, which consists of only four species .


The slim smooth shark reaches a maximum body length of about 110 centimeters. It is a very slender shark with a uniform gray body color and a long tail. The eyes are long-oval and large, they have a nictitating membrane . The muzzle is long and pointed. The animal has small nasal valves below the nostrils and short labial furrows . The spray hole is very small. There are numerous small teeth in each jaw (approx. 120 rows of teeth per half of the jaw).


Distribution areas of the slender smooth thai

The slender smooth shark is common in the deep sea area near the coasts around New Zealand . It lives away from the shelf area on the continental slopes and in the area of ​​submarine mountains at depths of 130 to 730 meters, especially between 300 and 600 meters.

Way of life

The slim smooth shark is viviparous ( Ovoviviparie ), whereby the young animals are nourished by eggs ( Oophagie ). Only two pups are born per litter. The sharks likely feed on bony fish , other small sharks, rays, and invertebrates .


The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies this shark as not endangered ("Least Concern"). No data are available on the size of the population and the shark is occasionally caught as bycatch in bottom and trawling fisheries, but the majority of its range is below the fishing depth, which is why it is assumed that the fishing pressure on the population is low.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gollum attenuatus in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2010. Posted by: Francis, MP (SSG Australia & Oceania Regional Workshop, March 2003), 2003. Accessed December 28 of 2010.


Web links

Commons : Slender Smooth Shark ( Gollum attenuatus )  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files