Gonorynchus abbreviatus

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Gonorynchus abbreviatus
Cohort : Otomorpha
Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Sandfish (Gonorynchiformes)
Family : Gonorynchidae
Genre : Sandfish ( Gonorynchus )
Type : Gonorynchus abbreviatus
Scientific name
Gonorynchus abbreviatus
Temminck & Schlegel , 1846

Gonorynchus abbreviatus is one of five species of the sandfish genus( Gonorynchus ). The range of the animals includes the Northwest Pacific (southern Japan and Taiwan ), the Sea of ​​Japan , the East China Sea and the Taiwan Strait . The fish can be found at depths of 50 to 100 meters on the sandy seabed of the subtropical waters.


Gonorynchus abbreviatus becomes a maximum of 31 centimeters long, its external appearance is elongated, the body of the fish is brown, the fins are white with black tips. In total, the fish has 54 or 55 vertebrae in the backbone. The scales (with caudal thorns, i.e. ctenoid scales ) are very small: ~ 170 along the lateral line , on which only every third one is pierced by a porus. The head is also scaled (velvety).

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