Gonzalo Arango

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Gonzalo Arango (born January 18, 1931 in Andes , Antioquia , † September 25, 1976 in Tocancipá , Cundinamarca ) was a Colombian writer and founder of Nadaism .

Arango comes from a well-to-do family of officials. He studied for three semesters Law at the University of Antioquia , but then broke off the study without a degree. Arango wrote many of his works under the pseudonym "Gonzaloarango".

In 1957 he founded the Nadaism movement (Nadaísmo) in Medellín together with some friends and like-minded people ( Darío Lemos , Humberto Navarro , Mario Arbelaéz and others ) and in the following year he published his "Manifiesto nadaísta". He was influenced u. a. from surrealism , French existentialism and the American beat generation .

Arango worked for many years as a librarian at the University of Medellín , where he was also entrusted with a lectureship in literature for some time.

In 1963 Arango graduated from the Nadaísmo; he published his elegiac poem "Adiós al nadaísmo".

Gonzalo Arango died in Tocancipá on September 25, 1976, at the age of 45, and found his final resting place there.

Works (selection)

  • El oso y el colibri . 1968.
  • Sexo y saxofón . 1963.
  • Prosas empty en la silla eléctrica . 1972.
  • Providencia . 1972.
  • Obra negra . Editorial Lohlé, Buenos Aires 1974 (Cuadernos latinoamericanos; 13).
  • Nada bajo el cielo raso y HK 111 . 1960.
  • La consagración de la nada y Los ratones van al infierno . 1964.


  • E. Escobar: Gonzalo Arango . Bogota 1989.
  • Merlin H. Forster: Las vanguardias literarias en México y la América Central. Bibliografía y antología crítica . Vervuert, Frankfurt / M. 2001, ISBN 3-89354-293-0 .
  • Dieter Reichardt: Author Lexicon Latin America . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt / M. 1992, ISBN 3-518-40485-7 , p. 379.
  • Armando Romero (ed.): Antología del Nadaísmo . Fundación BBVA, Madrid 2009, ISBN 978-84-92705-01-6 .