Gordon D. Shirreffs

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Gordon Donald Shirreffs (born January 15, 1914 in Chicago , Illinois , † February 9, 1996 Granada Hills , California ) was an American writer. As a pseudonym he often used Gordon Donalds or Stewart Gordon .

Live and act

His mother immigrated from Scotland and settled in Chicago in the fall of 1913. He completed his school days in his hometown and then enlisted in the National Guard . During the Second World War Shirreffs was stationed in the Aleutian Islands ( Alaska ).

On February 7, 1941, Shirreffs married Alice Johanna Gutwein in El Paso ( Texas ) and had a daughter and a son with her.

After the end of the war, Shirreffs studied at Northwestern University (Chicago) and was able to successfully complete this course ( Bachelor ). In 1952 Shirreffs settled in Granada Hills (California) and lived there until the end of his life. In addition to his work as a writer, he also tried his hand at business for some time, with little success.

Works (selection)

Under Gordon D. Shirreffs

Books for children and young readers
  • Son of the Thunder People . 1957
  • Roanoke Raiders . 1959.
  • The Rebel Trumpet . 1959.
  • The Mosquito Fleet . 1961.
  • The gray Sea Raiders . 1961.
Western novels
  • Manhunter cycle
    • The manhunter . 1974.
    • The showdown in Sonora . 1974.
    • The Apache hunter . 1976.
    • Bowman's kid . 1987.
    • Renegade's trail . 1988.
  • Quint Kershaw trilogy
    • The untamed breed . 1981.
    • Bold legend . 1982.
    • Glorieta Pass . 1984
  • Judas Gun .
    • German: In the boots of a dead man . Zauberkreis-Verlag, Rastatt 1981 (former title: Wages of Hell ).
  • Rio Bravo .
    • German: The brave of Rio Bravo Pabel, Rastatt 1965 (former title: Rio Bravo , 1957)
  • Rio Diablo .
  • Jack of spades .
Western tales

Under Gordon Donalds

  • Arizona Justice . 1956.
  • Top gun . 1957.
  • Ambush on the Mesa . 1957.


Individual evidence

  1. Today a district of Los Angeles .