Gordon Rapp

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Gordon Rapp

Gordon Rapp (born June 17, 1957 in Bad Wimpfen ) is a German lawyer, insolvency administrator and sports official. From 2000 to 2014 he was President of the German Fencing Association . He is also a lecturer at the University of Mannheim .

Life and professional career

Gordon Rapp was born in Bad Wimpfen (Baden-Württemberg) in 1957 . He is married to lawyer and insolvency administrator Sabine Rapp. The couple has two grown children.

In 1977 Rapp began studying law at the University of Heidelberg , which he graduated with the first state examination in 1982 and the second state examination in 1985. He was admitted to the bar in 1986. From 1984 Rapp worked as an assistant in the Wellensiek law firm in Heidelberg. Until 1991, he independently supervised medium and large-scale proceedings throughout the Federal Republic of Germany. From 1991 to 1994 Gordon Rapp was a partner in the Frankfurt law firm Paul, Paul & Schmitt.

In April 1994 he founded the law firm Rapp Wolff Rechtsanwälte, which to this day has several offices, including in Heidelberg, Frankfurt, Dresden, Berlin and Leipzig. To this day, Rapp is a senior partner of the law firm and exclusively works as an appraiser, corporate insolvency administrator , liquidator and trustee in well over 1000 cases. In addition, he was elected to various supervisory and advisory functions. He was at IFM Immobilien AG, an AG listed in the Prime Standard, its deputy chairman of the supervisory board and its chairman from 2011 to 2012.

In 2006, Rapp helped found the Center for Insolvency and Restructuring at the University of Mannheim. Since then he has been a board member of the association, which serves to promote scientific research and training and further education in the field of insolvency and restructuring law. Rapp has been a lecturer for insolvency law at the University of Mannheim since 2008 .

Sporting and voluntary engagement

When his son Christoph Rapp began fencing at the Neckargemünd fencing club in 1991 , Gordon Rapp also discovered his passion for fencing. After he was Vice President of the North Baden Fencing Association , he worked from 1998 to 2000 as Vice President of Finance in the German Fencing Association (DFB).

When he was elected President of the German Fencing Federation in 2000, Rapp was confronted with financial emergencies in the association that arose as a result of financial problems and a crisis involving the former head coach of the DFB. He chose the motto “evolution instead of revolution” for his presidency and set himself the goal of a professional leadership and management structure of the fencing federation. By contributing his legal expertise, Rapp led the DFeB through the crisis and modernized it through restructuring. After 14 years in the office of President, Rapp decided not to run again in 2014. In the same year he was appointed honorary president of the DFeB.

As a member of the structure and statutes committee , Rapp was also significantly involved in the merger of the National Olympic Committee (NOK) and the German Sports Association (DSB) to form the German Olympic Sports Association (DOSB) in 2006. Before the merger, from 2002 to 2006, Rapp was Vice President of the NOK and member of the Federal Committee for Competitive Sports in the German Sports Association.

In 2003 Rapp became a judge at the International Sports Court (CAS) in Lausanne . There he deals with sports arbitration proceedings. Furthermore, in 2010 he was Legal Advisor to the European Fencing Federation . He was also President of the Organizing Committee of the 2005 World Fencing Championships and 2017 as well as the fencing 2010 European Championships . In addition, Rapp is involved as a member of the presidium of the Olympic base in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region, member of the Legal Commission of the International Fencing Federation (FIE) and member of the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations Legal Consultative Group (ASOIF).

Rapp is a founding member of the non-profit society Striesen Pentacon (1991), which advocates the integration of older people into a community and wants to offer help in preparing for old age and for older unemployed people. Rapp is also a founding member of the Positive Fürstenwalde Association (1993). The association is a member of the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtverband, a recognized provider of free youth welfare and a member of the association of publicly funded work in Dresden.

honors and awards

The Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon awarded Rapp in 2001 for the preservation of 4,000 jobs in restructuring the company Pneumant tire and rubber plants Fürstenwalde AG.

In 2008 Rapp received the badge of honor of the Württemberg Fencing Association. In May 2016, Rapp was honored with the badge of honor of the German Olympic Sports Confederation for his services to German sport .


  • Restructuring under the protective umbrella of the insolvency regulation - Better chances of corporate restructuring through the ESUG . In: Concentro Management AG (Ed.): Turnaround & Investment Guide . 3. Edition. 2012.
  • with Felice-Alfredo Avella, Ralph Brinkmann: § 252 General Valuation Principles . In: Bertram / Brinkmann / Kessler / Müller (eds.): Haufe HGB balance sheet comment . 3. Edition. 2012.
  • Government sponsored bankruptcy . In: Financial Times Deutschland , September 29, 2010.
  • Effects of the European Insolvency Code on Insolvency Processing . KSI cc1 / 07, pp. 18-25.
  • Maxhütte - more than a steel mill . Wachter Verlag, 2005.
  • with Kilian Bauer: The recovery of aid granted in violation of Community law in insolvency proceedings . KTS 2001, pp. 1-43.
  • Pneumant . Self-published.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.zis.uni-mannheim.de/das_zis/organe_des_zis/vorstand/
  2. http://www.jura.uni-mannheim.de/dozenten/lehrbeauftragte_lehrkraefte/
  3. https://www.munzinger.de/search/portrait/Gordon+Rapp/1/5935.html
  4. OLY off the pitch: CAS judge welcomes the outsourcing of doping procedures: “No IOC branch”. In: Zeit Online. March 2, 2016. Retrieved September 19, 2017 .
  5. http://www.blickpunkt-brandenburg.de/nachrichten/archiv/artikel/18417/
  6. http://www.fechten.org/news/news/gordon-rapp-erhaelt-dosb-ehrennadel/
  7. Gordon Rapp receives DOSB badge of honor. German Olympic Sports Confederation , May 11, 2016, accessed on April 11, 2020.