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As Goss law , even Breitenstein - and Goss law was in Göttingen , Jena and other university cities by the middle of the 19th century the right of korporierten students referred to the Comment avoid having to dodge the Encounter ends when, walking on the sidewalk, the Gutter on the left and the houses on the right.

In the road and right of way , the Gossenrecht referred to a privilege to restrict the use of the road by entering an easement in the land register.

Individual evidence

  1. Gossenrecht. In: Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm (Hrsg.): German dictionary . tape 8 : Glibber – Gräzist - (IV, 1st section, part 5). S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1958, Sp. 982/983 ( woerterbuchnetz.de ).
  2. Norbert Nail: O quae mutatio rerum! - Facts and assumptions about the authorship of the song "O old lad gentleness" . In: DWV-Mitteilungen , Volume 47, Issue 2, January 1999, pp. 34–39
  3. Life at universities or presentation of all the manners and customs of the students, their connections and comments in duels, etc. together with all boyish expressions and a selection of the most popular boyish songs . Sondershausen 1822, p. 44
  4. BVerwG decision of February 13, 2012, 9 B 77.11 margin no. 4th