Gottfried Henßen

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Gottfried Henßen (born June 10, 1889 in Jülich ; † January 26, 1966 in Marburg an der Lahn ; also Gottfried Henssen ) was a German narrative researcher . He was the first director of the "Main Office for German Narrative Research" founded in Berlin in 1936 , today the " Central Archive of German Folk Tales " in Marburg . In 1951 Henßen was appointed honorary professor at the Philipps University of Marburg .

His wife was Toini Saraste from Finland and his daughter was the lichenologist Aino Henssen .


  • New legends from Berg und Mark. From Dönberg and Deilbach. A. Martini & Grüttesien, Elberfeld 1927.
  • On the history of the Bergisch folk tale. 1928.
  • Folk tales from Rhineland and Westphalia. A. Martini & Grüttesien, Elberfeld, 1932.
  • People tell. Munsterland legends, fairy tales and tales. Münster 1935, 3rd edition 1983, 408 pp.
  • In de Uhlenflucht. Low German Schwänke and fairy tales from Westphalia. Woodcuts by W. Mallek. Münster 1939, 3rd edition 1952.
  • Legends, fairy tales and sagas from the Jülich region. Bonn 1955.
  • Bergische fairy tales and legends. Folk tales. Munster 1961.
  • The German Volksschwank. In: Folklore Texts, Issue 2.
  • Folk songs from the new era. In: Folklore Texts, Volume 3.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lutz Hagestedt (Ed.): German Literature Lexicon of the 20th Century. Volume XVI. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2011, p. 587. Excerpts from
  2. ^ History of the Central Archives of German Folk Tales
  3. Obituary at (PDF), accessed on January 25, 2018