Gottfried Mayerhofer

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Gottfried Mayerhofer (born November 1807 in Munich ; † March 30, 1877 in Trieste ) was a major and Christian visionary and revelator of the Lorber movement .

Gottfried Mayerhofer


Gottfried Mayerhofer was born in November 1807 as the son of a senior Bavarian officer. After his studies, especially mathematics, on which he also gave lectures, Mayerhofer also embarked on a military career. In 1833 he moved to Athens and married Aspasia von Isay, the daughter of a merchant in Athens. Since Mayerhofer's father-in-law moved to Trieste around 1837moved there and moved there with his entire family, at the urging of his wife, who was very attached to her father, Mayerhofer decided to quit his job and also to move to Trieste. He stayed there for 40 years until his death. Since the Greek government did not pay a pension abroad, Mayerhofer was financially completely dependent on his wife's assets. During this long period of his retirement he devoted himself to music and landscape painting and increasingly to spiritual things.

He satisfied Mayerhofer's increasing inclination towards the religious and spiritual with the writings of Jakob Lorber , to which he became acquainted with the military doctor Dr. Waidele had found. Waidele had belonged to Jakob Lorber's inner circle in Graz and then continued to eagerly copy Lorber's texts in Trieste, because books were not easy to come by then. The more he immersed himself in the writings of the Styrian mystic and copied them himself, the more his enthusiasm for his revelations grew. In March 1870 he finally heard the “voice of the Lord” within himself. In the following seven years, until his death on Good Friday in 1877, Mayerhofer was active as a visionary in a similar way to his role model Lorber.

The process of writing down is described by the friend and to a certain extent also a student of Mayerhofer's, Christoph Friedrich Landbeck (1840–1921), as follows: Before Mayerhofer felt the urge to write down, he saw the objects to be treated early in the morning in clear images in his mind's eye . In the subsequent written reproduction of what was seen, however, the clarity of the vision was clouded, which led to stylistic imperfections. Mayerhofer himself wrote that the Lord only gave him what his friends could understand and perhaps serve as a step-by-step training. He is always very passive when it comes to messages and rarely knows what it is about. Usually an unexplainable restlessness grips him, whereupon he has to sit down at the desk and first find out with pencil in hand what the Lord wants, whereby he has neither beginning nor sequence, nor end, not a word earlier than the other know.

Mayerhofer was not a writing medium , but also dictated what he had heard to Landbeck in order to protect his eyes, which had become ill in old age. He was also able to see the spiritual person behind his bodily shell more often, and he also had the charisma of healing.

Revelatory work

The original manuscripts are written fluently and contain only a few improvements by Mayerhofer.

Several announcements have a complementary character to what can be found in Jakob Lorber's writings. Mayerhofer's writings can usually be found in the Lorber movement together with the works of Jakob Lorber. What seems strange, however, is why the Great Gospel of John, which had not been completed by Lorber, was not continued through Mayerhofer, who only a few years after Lorber's departure began to hear the "Inner Voice".


  • Secrets of Life , ISBN 3-87495-146-4 . Openings on important questions of life through the Inner Word.
  • Secrets of Creation , ISBN 3-87495-241-X . Communication of hidden things in nature through internal dictation.
  • Mark of the times
  • Sermons of the Lord , ISBN 3-87495-106-5 . Explanation of Bible texts from the New Testament through the Inner Word.

Further announcements can be found together with other texts in Heil-, Diet- und Lebenslehr-Winke , 1895, Neu-Theosophischer Verlag.

The manuscripts were bequeathed to the publisher of the Lorber writings, Christoph Friedrich Landbeck, and are now in the custody of Jakob-Lorber Verlag in Bietigheim.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sermons of the Lord , 2003, Lorber-Verlag, foreword
  2. ↑ Secrets of Creation , 2003, Lorber-Verlag, foreword by HE Sponder
  3. ^ "The original manuscript collection of the Neu-Salems-Gesellschaft", Das Wort 6/1928, page 137