Gottfried Reinhold Köselitz

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Gottfried Reinhold Köselitz (born August 4, 1692 in Wittenberg , † January 2, 1754 in Zerbst ) was a German lawyer.


Born as the son of Wittenberg councilor and tin caster Augustin Köselitz († 1680), he attended the Wittenberg city school, continued his education at the royal high school in Grimma and moved to Wittenberg University on May 27, 1712. From there he moved to the University of Jena and the University of Frankfurt (Oder) for further studies . When he returned to Wittenberg, he became a candidate for the right and held lectures as such. On October 27, 1718 he was licentiate in law, acquired a master's degree in philosophy on October 17, 1719 and received his doctorate on February 28, 1720 as a doctor of law.

In 1725 he was appointed associate professor of law, and in 1728 moved to the University of Leipzig as full professor of law . During his time in Leipzig, he gained such a reputation that in 1734 Johann August von Anhalt- Zerbst drew him to his court in Zerbst as court and government councilor, as well as assessor of the consistory . In Zerbst he was appointed consistorial councilor in 1743.

It is genealogically worth mentioning that he was married twice. His first marriage was on September 15, 1722 with Catharina Juliane, the daughter of the councilor and printer Christian Gottlieb Ludwig. His second marriage was with Katharina Regine (née Leisner). His son Johann Augustin Köselitz gained a reputation as a theologian.

Selection of works

  • Diss. Inaug. (Praes Bastineller) de citatione edictali. Wittenberg 1718
  • Repertoríum Wernherianum, sive, Indices generales ad B. Jo. Balth. de Wernher selectas observationes foienses. Wittenberg 1723
  • Diss. Qua solam citationem edictalem legitim factam ad creditorum ignotorum praeclusionem suifficere contra communcm Doctorum opinionem in praxi hactenus receptam asseritur. Wittenberg 1724
  • Diss. De actionibus mixtis et non mixtis. Wittenberg 1724
  • Program inaug. quo exceptionem non numeratae pecuniae onus probandi in ipsum creditorem devolvere ostenditur. Wittenberg 1724
  • Diss. De tacita eaquo particulari emancipatione iure domestico fundata. Wittenberg 1724
  • Diss. De dominio, eiusque effectibus. Leipzig 1731
  • Diss. Expendens traditionis circa dominii adquisitionem effectus tam naturali quam positivo iure, et hoc rursus tum communi, tum Saxonico. Leipzig 1731
  • Diss. Theses e díversis iuris capiabus selectae. Leipzig 1732
  • Diss. Qua sponsalia a variis Doctorum erroribus vindicantur. Leipzig 1732
  • Diss. De iis, quae patriam potestatem fundant. Leipzig 1732
  • Progr. De iia, quae patri vi patriae potstatis competunt. Leipzig 1732
  • Diss. De iure pignoris, ex communi aeque ac Saxonico iure electorali illustrato. Leipzig 1732
  • Diss. De praecognitis iurisprudentiae, iustitia et iure. Leipzig 1733
  • Diss. De iure personarum ex statu hominum naturali. Leipzig 1733
  • Diss. De servitutibus, iisque realibus. Leipzig 1733


  • Hermann Wiemann: History of the court and collegiate church of St. Bartholomäi. Zerbst, 1907, p. 54.
  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Gerhard Fleischer the Younger, Leipzig, 1808, Vol. 7, p. 230.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fritz Juntke: Album Academiae Vitebergensis - Younger Series Part 3; Halle (Saale), 1966, p. 93