Gottlieb Benjamin von Wolf

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Gottlieb Benjamin Wolf , from 1813 from Wolf , (born December 2, 1780 in Königsbronn , † after 1842) was a Württemberg chief bailiff.


The son of a pastor trained as a clerk and then worked for several city clerks and in the Cannstatt Oberamtei. From 1805 to 1806 he was secretary at the Landvogtei Ellwangen, where he worked in the economics college and in the camera department. In 1806 he became district actuary (Landvogteiaktuar) in Maulbronn and in the same year in Schorndorf. As Oberamtmann he headed the Oberamt Öhringen from 1809 to 1810 , from 1810 to 1813 the Oberamt Backnang , from 1813 to 1817 the Oberamt Tübingen and from 1817 to 1842 the Oberamt Weinsberg . In 1842 Gottlieb Benjamin von Wolf retired.


In 1813 he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Württemberg Civil Order of Merit, which was associated with the personal title of nobility ( ennoblement ).


  • Wolfram Angerbauer (Red.): The heads of the upper offices, district offices and district offices in Baden-Württemberg from 1810 to 1972 . Published by the working group of the district archives at the Baden-Württemberg district assembly. Theiss, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-8062-1213-9 , pp. 592 .

Individual evidence

  1. Royal Württemberg Court and State Manual 1824, p. 52.