Gozinto method

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The Gozinto method is based on the Gozintograph as an alternative representation of the product structure . Here, nodes are to be viewed as parts or assemblies , and the connecting arrows indicate the respective requirements . The word Gozinto comes from the colloquial English and means goes into "goes in".

Mathematical methods are used to determine requirements . In addition, it is possible to determine requirements using the matrix calculation. A distinction is made between the direct requirements matrix (modular matrix) and the total requirements matrix (quantity overview matrix). The direct requirement matrix indicates the quantities of individual parts and assemblies that go directly into a higher-level unit. The total requirements matrix only shows the requirements that arise for the highest level, for example the finished product.

The basis of the synthetic determination of requirements is the evidence of the use of parts . The starting point is not the product , but the individual parts, their use and their needs. This procedure is seldom used to determine needs. But if there are supply problems with certain parts, the question quickly arises as to which products are affected. Then there is the possibility to react specifically and sensibly to the problems that arise.