Sopron-Bécsi cemetery domb

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The burial ground Sopron Bécsi domb is a frühlatènezeitliche graves plant in the northeastern district of Bécsi dom (Wienerberg) of the Hungarian city of Sopron (dt. Ödenburg, County Győr-Moson-Sopron ). The site is located near the road number 84, called Wienerstraße, which leads to Vienna via Klingenbach . Today there are no more grave sites preserved.

Excavation history and settlement

Between 1872 and 1882 the first graves were found during gravel mining on the south-eastern slope of a hill. From 1880 to 1891 Lajos Bella researched all the hilltop settlements around Sopron and published several articles on his Celtic finds in the Archaeologiai Értesitő . In the first half of the 20th century, Iván Paur and Ferenc Stornó jun. Excavations carried out, the evidence comes from Stornó that this is a biritual burial ground (both body and cremation burials ). His records enabled a later separation of the grave finds according to the grave sites. In 2005, Erzsébet Jerem and Szoltan Vasáros published a work on the burial ground and Jerem designed an exhibition poster for Vienna.

A total of only twelve graves were excavated and explored. The best documented and dated grave (by Schwappach 1971) is a presumed warrior burial that was uncovered in 1888. A stamped ceramic bottle in Waldalgesheim style is the most important object. The grave goods date from the Latène B1 period (around 380 to 280 BC) and are kept in the Sopron Museum ( Soproni Múzeum ).

See also


  • Lajos Márton: A korai la Tène-kultúra Magyarországon - The inventory of the spring graves. Archaeologia Hungarica, Dolgozatok / Szeged, 1933/34.
  • Susanne Sievers , Otto H. Urban , Peter C. Ramsl: Lexicon for Celtic Archeology. L-Z. In: Communications from the Prehistoric Commission. Volume 73. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 2012, ISBN 978-3-7001-6765-5 , pp. 1747–1748.

Individual evidence

  1. Iván Paur
  2. Erzsébet Jerem, Szoltan Vásáros: A soproni Bécsi dombra tervezett turisztika látogatóközpont és kilátó. In: Soproni Szemle. No. 59/2, 2005, pp. 125-137.
  3. ^ Frank Schwappach: Stamp of the Waldalgesheim style on a vase from Sopron Bécsidomb (West Hungary). In: Hamburg contributions to archeology. No. 1, 1971, pp. 131-172.
  4. A drawing of this ceramic can be found in Sievers / Urban / Ramsl: Lexikon zur Keltischen Aräologie . P. 1748.

Coordinates: 47 ° 41 ′ 50.7 "  N , 16 ° 34 ′ 57.1"  E