Green lobster

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Green lobster
Order : Decapods (decapoda)
Subordination : Pleocyemata
Partial order : Achelata
Family : Lobster (Palinuridae)
Genre : Panulirus
Type : Green lobster
Scientific name
Panulirus gracilis
Streets , 1871

The green lobster ( Panulirus gracilis ) is a species of the lobster family .

The maximum body length of this species of lobster is 32 centimeters for the males and 30 centimeters for the females. Such a sexual dimorphism is also evident in the length of the carapace . In males this is up to 13 centimeters long, in females up to 12 centimeters.

The species is distributed in the Eastern Pacific and occurs from the Mexican Baja California to the coast of Peru and the Galapagos Islands . Within this region, the green lobster is one of the commercially important lobsters. It is caught by hand or in baited lobster baskets.


  • Helmut Debelius: Cancer Guide. Shrimp, crab, lobster, lobster, mantis shrimp. Publishing year Top, January 2000, ISBN 3-86132-504-7 .

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