Green List Hessen
The political party Green List Hessen (GLH) was a forerunner of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Hessen .
From the mid-1970s, local political groups with an ecological focus also formed in Hesse in many cases. The Green List Hessen (GLH) was founded in Hesse.
In the elections to the Hessian state parliament on October 8, 1978, she ran with the representative of the citizens' movement against Startbahn West as the top candidate: the Frankfurt magistrate director and former SPD member Alexander Schubart . At number 7 on the list was Daniel Cohn-Bendit as a representative of the Frankfurt spontaneous scene . His application speech, in which he announced the legalization of hashish and the takeover of the Ministry of the Interior in the event of the election success, made headlines. The organic shop owner, gay activist and later member of the Bundestag for the Greens Herbert Rusche from Offenbach ran for 8th place on the list .
At 1.1%, however, the GLH remained below the five percent hurdle . The also candidate Green Action Future (GAZ) came to 0.9%.
Individual evidence
- ↑ Parties and party system in Hesse: from four to five party systems? , edited by Wolfgang Schroeder, Springer-Verlag, 2008, page 161 ff. ( online on Google Books)
- ↑ From social movement to institution? The emergence of the party The Greens from 1978 to 1980: Arguments, developments and strategies using the example of Bonn / Hanover / Osnabrück by Frank Schnieder, LIT Verlag Münster, 1998 ( online on Google Books)
- ↑ Keyword Greens . Contemporary history in Hessen. In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).