Green Barthainer

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The Green Barthainer is a white wine variety that used to be found in vineyards in southeast Austria, Slovenia and Croatia and also as a pergola vine. Today it is very rarely found in Slovenia and northeastern Croatia as a trellis vine. It is possibly identical to the Fraueler that can still be found sporadically in house vineyards in Vinschgau . The vine is vigorous, productive and resistant to pests.

The musts from this vine were usually pressed together with higher quality musts, but occasionally they were also fermented as a single variety to make a rather sour house drink.

See also the articles Viticulture in Austria , Viticulture in Croatia and Viticulture in Slovenia as well as the list of grape varieties .

Synonyms are:

Barthainer, Grüner Barthainer, Jaucovec Absenger, Jauer, Javor, Kerhko-Padna, Kerhkosidez, Lahkopadna, Lakopadna, Milcher, Vagata Mata Bianca, Zelena Krhkopadna

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