Grammar of Rumantsch Grischun

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The grammar of Rumantsch Grischun describes the grammar of the Rhaeto-Romanic written language Rumantsch Grischun .



The verbs end in the infinitive with -ar, -air, -er or -ir. There are six tenses (times) ( present , imperfect , perfect , past perfect , future tense, future tense II) and four modes ( indicative (to testify, to show), conditional (Connect), conditional (condition) , imperative (command form) ).


gidar (help) tegnair (hold) vender (sell) partir (depart)

The infinitives ending in -er are always stem-stressed, the rest are ending-stressed.

Present Indicative

yeah gid encounter vend part
ti gidas tegnas vendas partas
el, ella gida tegna venda parta
nus gidain tegnain vendain partin
vus gidais tegnais vendais partis
els gidan tegnan vendan partan

Verbs with a double consonant before the infinitive ending simplify this in the 1st person singular (metter - jau met).

The verbs ending in –ger, –giar, –gir, –miar, –ziar and vowel end in the 1st person singular with –el. The same thing happens with verbs whose 1st person singular would otherwise be difficult to pronounce, as well as some other verbs:

  • diriger (to lead) - jau dirigel
  • scuar (turn) - jau scuel
  • suffrir (suffer) - jau suffrel
  • cumprar (buy) - jau cumprel
  • giaschair (to lie) - jau giaschel

A large number of verbs insert the syllable –esch– in the stem-stressed forms:

  • finir (stop) - finesch, fineschas, finescha, finin, finis, fineschan

Some verbs ending in -ar, -air and -ir change the stem vowel in the stem-stressed forms:

infinitive 3rd singular 1st plural
u → o purtar (bring) p o rta purtain
a → ai tadlar (listen) t ai dla tadlain
e → ai palesar (to make known) pal ai sa palasain
a → o dumandar (inquire) dum o nda dumandain
u → au dudir d au there dudin

Some verbs ending in -er change the stem vowel in the end-stressed forms:

infinitive 3rd singular 1st plural
o → u volver (turn) volva v u lvain
ai → a baiver (drink) baiva b a vain
au → u sclauder (switch off) sclauda scl u dain

Present subjunctive

che yeah (than me) gidia tegnia vendia partia
che ti (as you) gidias tegnias vendias partias
ch'el, ch'ella (as he, she) gidia tegnia vendia partia
che nus (as we) gidian tegnian vendian partian
che vus (as you) gidias tegnias vendias partias
ch'els (as she) gidian tegnian vendian partian

The present subjunctive is always stem-stressed. This means that there are also changes in the indicative stem-stressed verbs in all forms:

  • purtar → che jau portia, che nus portian
  • finir → ch'el fineschia, ch'els fineschian

The forms of the 1st Sg and 3rd Sg, the 2nd Sg and 2nd Pl, as well as the 1st Pl and the 3rd Pl are basically the same.

The subjunctive is used - unlike in the other Romance languages, but as in German - in indirect speech:

  • El ha ditg: «Jau vom a Svizra.»
  • El aveva ditg, ch'el giaja a Svizra.
  • Ella ha dumandà: «Vulais in mail?»
  • Ella ha dumandà, Sche nus veglian in mail.

In addition, as in the other Romance languages, it is used after certain expressions in the subordinate clause.


(ti) gida! tegna! venda! parta!
(vus) gidai! tegnai! vendai! parti!

The forms of the imperative of the 2nd person singular are stem-stressed and show the same changes as in the present subjunctive and indicative (tadlar: taidla! - tadlai !, finir: finescha! - fini!). The forms of the 2nd person plural are end-emphasized and show the same changes in the verbs on -er as in the present indicative (volver: volva! - vulvai!)

The negative imperative is formed by (na) + imperative + betg:

  • Ta lava! - Wash yourself!
  • Ta lava betg! or Na ta lava betg! - Don't wash yourself!

In the other persons one uses the forms of the verb duair (to be):

  • Els duain gidar! - You should help!

Imperfect tense (incomplete past)

yeah gidava tegneva vendeva partiva
ti gidavas tegnevas vendevas partivas
el gidava tegneva vendeva partiva
nus gidavan tegnevan vendevan partivan
vus gidavas tegnevas vendevas partivas
els gidavan tegnevan vendevan partivan

The forms of the 1st Sg and 3rd Sg, the 2nd Sg and 2nd Pl, as well as the 1st Pl and the 3rd Pl are basically the same. They are always stressed at the end (volver → vulveva; cf. present tense).


The conditional is used to express polite requests, requests and wishes. It expresses when something could happen under certain conditions.

Basically, the "conditional" is formed from the stem of the verb in the first form of plural and an addition that includes "ss".

gidar (help) tegnair (hold) vender (sell) partir (depart)
yeah gidass tegness vendess partiss
ti gidassas tegnessas vendessas partissas
el / ella gidass tegness vendess partiss
nus gidassan tegnessan vendessan partissan
vus gidassas tegnessas vendessas partissas
els / ellas gidassan tegnessan vendessan partissan
  • Reservassas vus ina chombra? "Could you reserve a room for us?"
  • Jau vendess mia chasa. "I would like to sell my house."
  • Tge cussegliassas vus a may? "What can you recommend me?"
  • Vulessas ti ina biera? "Would you like a beer?"

The forms of the 1st Sg and 3rd Sg, the 2nd Sg and 2nd Pl, as well as the 1st Pl and the 3rd Pl are basically the same. They are always emphasized at the end (volver → vulvess, cf. present tense).


gidond encountering vendend partind

past participle

Singular gidà, gidada tegnì, tegnida vendì, vendida partì, partida
Plural gidads, gidadas tegnids, tegnidas vendids, vendidas partids, partida

Some verbs that are otherwise regular here have different forms, e.g. B. avrir - avert, cuvrir - cuvert, demaiver - entet, metter - mess, morder - mors, suffrir - suffert, vesair - vis, volver - vieut, and many more.

Perfect (perfect present)

yeah hai gidà hai tegnì hai vendì sun partì / partida
ti has gidà has tegnì has vendì es partì / partida
el ha gidà ha tegnì ha vendì è partì
ella ha gidà ha tegnì ha vendì è partida
nus avain gidà avain tegnì avain vendì essan partids / partidas
vus avais gidà avais tegnì avais vendì essas partids / partidas
els han gidà han tegnì han vendì èn partids
ellas han gidà han tegnì han vendì èn partidas

In general, the perfect tense is formed with the conjugated form of the auxiliary verb avair (to have) and the past participle (see  gidar ). However, the following verbs form it with the auxiliary improver (sein) and the form of the past participle, which is adapted to the subject (see  partir ):

  • Verbs of movement: ir (to go), partir (to leave), fugir (to flee), etc.
  • Verbs that express a change of state: crescher (to grow), nascher (to be born), etc.
  • esser (to be), star (to stand), restar (to stay)

Transitive and reflexive verbs can optionally adjust the participle according to gender and number of the object.

Jau hai la vis. or Jau hai la visa. - I saw her.

past continuous

yeah aveva gidà aveva tegnì aveva vendì era partì / partida

It is formed with the past tense of the auxiliary verb avair or esser and the past participle (cf. perfect).

Future tense

yeah vegn a gidar vegn a tegnair vegn a vender vegn a partir
ti vegns a gidar vegns a tegnair vegns a vender vegns a partir
el vegn a gidar vegn a tegnair vegn a vender vegn a partir
nus vegnin a gidar vegnin a tegnair vegnin a vender vegnin a partir
vus vegnis a gidar vegnis a tegnair vegnis a vender vegnis a partir
els vegnan a gidar vegnan a tegnair vegnan a vender vegnan a partir

The future tense is formed with the auxiliary verb vegnir + a (before vowel: ad) + infinitive.

Future tense II

yeah vegn ad avair gidà vegn ad avair tegnì vegn ad avair vendì vegn ad esser partì / partida

The future tense II is formed with the auxiliary verb vegnir + ad + infinitive of the auxiliary verb avair or esser + past participle of the main verb.


The passive is formed with the auxiliary verb vegnir and the inflected form of the past participle:

jau vegn elegì / elegida - I am elected

Reflexive verbs

The (unstressed) reflexive pronoun always comes before the verb:

infinitive 1. Singular present tense Imperative singular 3. Singular perfect
sa lavar yeah ma lav ta lava! ella ha sa lavà (lavada)
s'occupar yeah m'occup t'occup! ella ha s'occupà (occupada)

Irregular verbs

Regular forms are not specified.

  • esser - be
Pres. Ind. Past tense. Pres. Conj. Cond. imperative
yeah sun era saja fiss
ti it eras sajas fissas sajas!
el è era saja fiss
nus essan eran sajan fissan
vus essas eras sajas fissas sajas!
els èn eran sajan fissan

Part. Perf .: stà, stada

Gerund: eating / siond

Also irregular: èsi (inversion form è + i)

  • avair - have
Pres. Ind. Pres. Conj. imperative
yeah shark well
ti has hajas hajas!
el Ha well
nus avain hajan
vus avais hajas hajas!
els han hajan

Part. Perf .: gì, gida

  • vegnir - come, become
Pres. Ind. imperative
yeah vegn
ti vegns ve!
el vegn
nus vegnin
vus vegnis vegni!
els vegnan
  • duair - should
Pres. Ind. Pres. Conj.
yeah duai duaja
ti duais duajas
el duai duaja
nus duain duajan
vus duais duajas
els duain duajan
  • pudair - can
Pres. Ind. Pres. Conj. imperative
yeah poss possia
ti pos possias -
el po possia
nus pudain possian
vus pudais possias -
els pon possian
  • savair - know
Pres. Ind. Pres. Conj. imperative
yeah sai sappia
ti sas sappias sappias!
el sa sappia
nus savain sappian
vus savais sappias sappias!
els san sappian
  • stuair - must
Pres. Ind. Pres. Conj. imperative
yeah push stoppia
ti shock stoppias -
el sto stoppia
nus stuain stoppian
vus stuais stoppias -
els ston stoppian
  • vulair - want
Pres. Ind. Past tense. Pres. Conj. Cond. imperative
yeah vi leva / vuleva veglia less / vuless
ti vuls levas / vulevas veglias lessas / vulessas veglias!
el vul leva / vuleva veglia less / vuless
nus lain / vulain levan / vulevan veglian lessan / vulessan
vus lais / vulais levas / vulevas veglias lessas / vulessas veglias!
els vulane levan / vulevan veglian lessan / vulessan
  • ir - go
Pres. Ind. Past tense. Pres. Conj. Cond. imperative
yeah from gieva giaja pour
ti vas gievas giajas giessas va!
el va gieva giaja pour
nus giain gievan giajan giessan
vus giais gievas giajas giessas giai!
els van gievan giajan giessan

Part. Perf: ì, ida

Gerund: giond

  • far - do
Pres. Ind. Past tense. Pres. Conj. Cond. imperative
yeah fatsch fascheva fetschia faschess
ti fas faschevas fetschias faschessas fa!
el fa fascheva fetschia faschess
nus faschain faschevan fetschian faschessan
vus faschais faschevas fetschias faschessas faschai!
els fan faschevan fetschian faschessan

Part. Perf .: fatg, fatga

Gerund: faschond

  • present - give
Pres. Ind. Past tense. Pres. Conj. Cond. imperative
yeah dun deva dettia dess
ti the devas dettias dessas there!
el dat deva dettia dess
nus there devan dettian dessan
vus there is devas dettias dessas dai!
els dattan devan dettian dessan

Part. Perf .: dà, dada

Gerund: dond

  • say to you
Pres. Ind. Past tense. Pres. Conj. Cond. imperative
yeah di scheva slide shit
ti dis schevas dias schessas di!
el di scheva slide shit
nus schain schevan dian schessan
vus schais schevas dias schessas shay!
els din schevan dian schessan

Part. Perf .: ditg, ditga

Gerund: schend

  • star - stand
Pres. Ind. Past tense. Pres. Conj. Cond. imperative
yeah stun steva stettia stess
ti stas stevas stettias stessas stà!
el stat steva stettia stess
nus stain stevan stettian stessan
vus stais stevas stettias stessas stai!
els instead stevan stettian stessan

Part. Perf .: stà, stada

Gerund: stond

  • fugir - flee
Pres. Ind. imperative
yeah fugel
ti fuis fui!
el fui
nus fugin
vus fugis fugi!
els fuin
  • trair - pull
Pres. Ind. Past tense. Pres. Conj. Cond. imperative
yeah tir tirava tiria tirass
ti tiras tiravas tirias tirassas tira!
el tira tirava tiria tirass
nus tirain tiravan tirian tirassan
vus tirais tiravas tirias tirassas tirai!
els tiran tiravan tirian tirassan

Part. Perf .: tartg, tartga

Gerund: tirond


Plural formation

Nouns (nouns) can be masculine (male) or feminine (female). The majority is usually formed by adding –s. Nouns that end in -s in the singular remain unchanged in the plural. Exceptions are the nouns that end in a stressed vowel. In the plural, –è becomes –els, –à becomes –ads, and –ì becomes –ids: Most feminine nouns end with the vowel "A". But there are many exceptions.

  • bratsch - bratschs (arm)
  • figl - figls (son)
  • figlia - figlias (daughter)
  • chasa - chasas (house)
  • nas - nas (nose)
  • tscharvè - tscharvels (brain)
  • prà - prads (meadow)
  • vestgì - vestgids (clothing)

The only irregularities are:

  • um - umens (man)

Collective plural

A typical Rhaeto-Romanic phenomenon is the collective plural. It occurs with masculine nouns, which often occur in the plural. It behaves like a feminine noun in the singular.

  • il mail → the apple
  • ils mails → the apples (countable, according to quantity)
  • la maila → the apples (not countable, general)


indefinite article sing. best. Article sing. best. Article pl.
before consonant in il ils
mask. before vowel in l ' ils
fem. before consonant ina la read
fem. before vowel in' l ' read

There is no indefinite article in the plural.


An adjective always matches the noun to which it belongs in number and gender.

  • il grond chaun - il chaun è grond (the big dog - the dog is big)
  • ils gronds chauns - ils chauns èn gronds (the big dogs - the dogs are big)
  • la gronda paraid - la paraid è gronda (the big wall - the wall is big)
  • las grondas paraids - las paraids èn grondas (the big walls - the walls are big)

Adjectives ending in –al, –el, –en or –er omit the –a– or –e– in the feminine forms. The spelling of the preceding consonant can change:

  • cotschen - cotschna (red)
  • meglier - meglra (better)
  • agen - atgna (curious)
  • bel - bella (beautiful)
  • svizzer - svizra (Swiss)

The increase is regularly formed with "pli" (more):

  • grond - pli grond - il pli grond (large - larger - largest)

In addition to regular formation, the following adjectives also have irregular forms:

positive comparative superlative German translation
bun meglier / pli bun il meglier / il pli bun good, better, the best
times pir / pli mal il pir / il pli mal bad worse worst
nausch mender / pli nausch il mender / il pli nausch evil - evil - most evil

Example sentences:

  • Questa giacca è pli pitschna che quella. (This jacket is smaller than that one.)
  • Questa giacca è uschè pitschna sco quella. (This jacket is as small as that one.)
  • Questa giacca è main pitschna che quella. (This jacket is not as small as that one.)


Personal pronouns

subject Subject (inversion) Object stressed Object unstressed Reflexively emphasized Reflexively unstressed
1. Sg. yeah –A May ma (m ') May ma (m ')
2nd Sg. ti - tai did') tai did')
3rd Sg. (Mask.) el 'l el al sai sa (s')
3rd Sg. (Fem.) ella 'la ella la (l ') sai sa (s')
1st pl. nus -Sa nus ans nus ans
2nd pl. vus - vus as vus as
3rd pl. (Mask.) els –I els as sai sa (s')
3rd pl. (Fem.) ellas –I ellas read sai sa (s')
You (courtier) Vus - Vus As Vus As

The personal pronouns are generally used as in German. In contrast to most Romance languages, they are mostly not left out in Romansh .

The pronoun "ins" corresponds to the German "man" and stands with the third person singular. In the event of an inversion, an elision occurs:

ins vesa → ves'ins (you see → you see)

Most monosyllabic forms, however, then have an -n attached:

ha n ins, è n ins, sa n ins, di n ins, cua n ins, and much more.

The pronoun "i" (before vowel: igl) is used in impersonal expressions (i plova - it is raining, igl è bain - it is good); it then stands with the 3rd person singular of the verb. In the case of an inversion, it is attached to the verb (oz datti… - today there is…). It can also be used as a synonym for "ins", but is then in the 3rd person plural.

In an inversion, the subject pronouns merge - unless they are to be emphasized particularly - with the verb: jau gid - oz gida (I help - today I help)

The stressed object pronouns are used after prepositions (per tai - for you), or for special emphasis. They come after the verb or, in the case of an inversion, after the (attached) subject pronoun: Jau ves tai. - I see you (and not someone else).

The unstressed object pronouns come before the conjugated verb (Jau na ta ves betg - I don't see you) or - if available - before the infinitive (Jau na vul betg ta vesair - I don't want to see you). They are not used in the case of an inversion; the emphasized forms are then used.

The unstressed object pronouns do not differentiate between direct and indirect objects. In the case of the stressed object pronouns, the preposition "a" (before vowel: ad) comes before the pronoun:

  • Jau la dun in cudesch - I'll give her a book.
  • Jau dun in cudesch ad ella - I'll give her a book.
  • Jau dun el ad ella. - I'll give it to her.

possessive pronouns

mask. sg. + pl. fem. sg. fem. pl.
1. Sg. mes mia mias
2nd Sg. tes tia tias
3rd Sg. ses sia sias
1st pl. noss nossa nossas
2nd pl. voss vossa vossas
3rd pl. lur lur lur
Courtesy form Voss Vossa Vossas
mask. sg. mask. pl. fem. sg. fem. pl.
1. Sg. il mieu ils mes la mia read mias
2nd Sg. il tieu ils tes la tia las tias
3rd Sg. il sieu ils ses la sia read sias
1st pl. il noss ils noss la nossa las nossas
2nd pl. il voss ils voss la vossa las vossas
3rd pl. il lur ils lur la lur las lur
Courtesy form il Voss ils Voss la Vossa las Vossas
  • Quai è lur cudesch. - This is her book.
  • Quai è mes cudesch, quel cudesch è il tieu. - This is my book, that book is yours.


Probably due to German influence, if the sentence begins with an adverb, the position of subject and verb is swapped. Personal pronouns are then added to the verb (see above about #personal pronouns ). Furthermore, inversion occurs in the question.

  • Uschia pon els ( or poni) vegnir. - So they can come.
  • Pertgè na vegnis vus betg? - Why don't you guys come?

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