Gray top snail

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Gray top snail
Gibbula cineraria 01.jpg

Gray top snail ( Gibbula cineraria )

Subclass : Orthogastropoda
Superordinate : Vetigastropoda
Superfamily : Trochoid
Family : Top snails (Trochidae)
Genre : Gibbula
Type : Gray top snail
Scientific name
Gibbula cineraria
( Linnaeus , 1758)

The gibbula cineraria , also known as Ashen Topshell , ashen Topshell or Fries button ( Gibbula cineraria ) is a screw from the family of trochidae (genus Gibbula ) formed in the North Atlantic lives.


The Friesian button lives on the European coasts of the Atlantic in areas that are constantly covered by water and are up to 100 meters deep ( sublittoral ). You can find them there on hard floors and also on large tangled areas . On the coasts of the North Sea (e.g. near Heligoland ) you can often find alluvial shell remains.


The strong, conical casing of this type of snail has up to six slightly curved whorls. While the inside is smooth and pearly - iridescent , the outside is characterized by the fact that it is ribbed in a flat spiral. The navel is slightly narrowed by the mouth of the inner lip, the lid is round and horny. The case with red or purple-brown stripes reaches a height of 1.6 cm to 2 cm.


  • Storch, Volker; Welsch, Ulrich: Systematic Zoologie 6th edition. Spectrum Akademischer Verlag 2003. ISBN 3-8274-1112-2

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Commons : Gibbula cineraria  - collection of images, videos and audio files