Semolina dumplings

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Semolina dumpling soup ( semolina dumpling soup )
Semolina dumplings as dessert

Semolina dumplings or semolina dumplings are dumplings made from semolina , milk , eggs and butter . They are served as a filling soup or with gratin. When sweetened, semolina dumplings are known as dessert.

For preparation, milk is first boiled with salt and semolina is stirred into the liquid that is no longer boiling. Depending on the use, the resulting dough is seasoned with nutmeg , lemon peel or sugar and stirred until smooth. There is also butter and eggs, or just the egg yolk, depending on the recipe. Then small dumplings are cut off with a spoon and cooked in salted water or broth until they rise to the surface. They can also be fried in a pan.

Salty dumplings can be used as a soup or baked in the oven with cheese. Sweet dumplings are usually served in a bowl with cinnamon , sugar or compote . Similar to the soup, semolina dumplings can also be added to fruit soups or warm compotes.


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