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The designation Grosser Rat , French Grand Conseil, Italian Gran Consiglio, Graubünden Romance Cussegl grond, is the official name of the respective cantonal parliament in some German-speaking and in most of the Latin-Swiss cantons . In the other cantons he is called a cantonal councilor, district administrator or (in the canton of Jura) parliament .

An elected member of the Grand Council called in accordance with Cantonal Parliament and Big Councilor .

The name Grosser Rat is a name that originated in federal towns during the Ancien Régime . In contrast to the small council , which exercised the actual power of governance, a large council was primarily an advisory body in order to give the citizens a political weight.

During the Helvetic era , the Grand Council and the Senate formed the Helvetic Parliament. After the mediation constitution was passed, both bodies were dissolved again; however, parliaments were founded in the resurrected cantons, mostly called the Grand Council .

In the following cantons the name for the respective parliaments is Grand Council .

In the past, the parliament was also called the Grand Council in other cantons, namely in Solothurn until 1840, in Zurich until 1869, in Zug until 1873, in Appenzell Ausserrhoden until 1876, in Schaffhausen until 2002, in St. Gallen until 2003 and in Lucerne until 2008. Today the term Cantonal Council (first introduced in the Canton of Schwyz in 1833 instead of District Administrator ) applies everywhere .


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