Grand Chamberlain of France

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The Grand Chamberlain of France (French: Le Grand chambrier de France ) was one of the oldest major offices of the French Crown in the Middle Ages and during the Ancien Régime . It belonged to the group of offices whose office holders received a hereditary nobility title of the first degree (ennoblement through a state office) from the day of inauguration.

The Grand Chamberlain was initially the "lord of the royal apartments" (originally the bedchamber and the monarch's cloakroom ). At the beginning of the Capetian dynasty , he also led the royal treasure ( Trésor Royal ), i.e. he was crown treasurer and chief financial officer. He later shared the task with the Grand Cupbearer of France ( Grand bouteiller de France ). The office was one of the five grand offices of the crown. It differed from the then Grand Chamberlain of France ( Grand chambellan de France ), who at that time was only limited to the royal household, in a greater sphere of power, such as the signing of important documents and important letters from the king. He was also a judge in the court assemblies set up by the French Pairs . At times it was higher than the connective table of France . In October of the year 1545 King Francis I abolished this crown office. The duties of the abolished office of Grand Chamberlain ( Grand Chamberlain ) were taken over in the 16th century by the Office of Grand Chamberlain ( Grand Chamberlain ), whose powers increased and who also became the king's keeper of the seal.

List of the Grand Chamberlain of the French Crown

Individual evidence

  1. a b [1] "Villeparisis et l'Abbaye Saint Victor de Paris", Jacques Lime, 1991
  2. [2] p. 405, "Histoire de la Maison Royale de France, et des grands officiers de la Couronne" by Anselme de Sainte-Marie, Ange de Sainte-Rosalie.
  3. ^ [3] p. 325, Levy-Saint-Nom, France. Notre-Dame de la Roche (Augustinian abbey), Auguste Moutié, Honoré Théodoric Paul Joseph d'Albert duc de Luynes, "Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Notre-Dame de la Roche", Diocesi di Parigi ", tratto dai manoscritti originali, 1862, presente negli elenchi "listes des grands chambriers" di de P.Anselme, du Cange et de Wailly
  4. [4] pag. 274, "Histoire de saint Louis, roi de France", Volume 1, di Louis François de Villeneuve-Bargemont (marq. De Villeneuve-Trans.), Louis IX ((st) king of France.)
  5. [5] p. 274, "Rotuli Parisienses (2 Vol. Set): Supplications to the Pope from the ...", a cura di William J. Courtenay, Eric D. Goddard