Grothendieck Group

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The Grothendieck group is a mathematical construction that assigns a group to a commutative semigroup . This construction, named after Alexander Grothendieck , is based on the localization from ring theory and, like this, can be described by a universal property .

Universal property


The following sentence applies:

Is a commutative semigroup, so there is a commutative group and a Halbgruppen- homomorphism with the following property: For every group and every semigroup homomorphism there exists a group homomorphism with .


A proof results from the following construction, which is based on the localization from the ring theory. Be a commutative semigroup. On the Cartesian product , define an equivalence relation by


One now shows that this actually defines an equivalence relation, the equivalence class of is denoted by. You now set and continue to show that a group link defines on. Here, the neutral element (independently of ) the inverse form is represented by the formula given. If one finally posits , one can show that and meet the condition from the universal property.


  • As usual, one shows with the help of the universal property that the group is uniquely determined except for isomorphism. Therefore they called the Grothendieck group of .
  • The semigroup homomorphism from the above universal property is injective if and only if the semigroup has the property that can be shortened .


  • For the semigroup , the formation of the Grothendieck group coincides with the usual construction of whole numbers . One therefore has , where the isomorphism is given by . If one identifies the Grothendieck group of with , then there is inclusion . It does not matter whether one understands natural numbers with or without zero.
  • Very similar considerations on the multiplicative half-group lead to , and this identification coincides again with inclusion .
  • The multiplicative semigroup (the index 0 indicates that the zero belongs to) is not shortened. In this case two pairs and are equivalent because it holds . Hence, and for everyone .

Grothendieck group as functor


The construction described above assigns a commutative group to each commutative semigroup. If a semigroup homomorphism is in the category of commutative semigroups, a group homomorphism can be constructed as follows . Means one initially obtains a half group homomorphism and therefrom by means of the universal property of a group homomorphism with .

This definition makes a covariant functor from the category to the category of the Abelian groups.

If one regards an Abelian group only as a semigroup, one can form. It turns out that where the isomorphism is given by . Indeed, it is left adjoint to the forget function .


In addition to the above-described construction of the whole numbers from the natural numbers, the formation of the K 0 group of a ring is an important application. For each ring one considers the set (!) Of the isomorphism classes of finitely generated projective -left- modules with the direct sum as a semigroup link . The K 0 group of the ring is then defined as the Grothendieck group of .
