Elisa pit

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Elisa pit
General information about the mine
Elisa pit.jpg
Dump of the Elisa mine in the sharp bend north of Stockberg
Information about the mining company
Start of operation 1854
End of operation 1866
Funded raw materials
Degradation of Zinc cover / lead gloss
Degradation of Galena
Geographical location
Coordinates 50 ° 59 '14.3 "  N , 7 ° 13' 53.4"  E Coordinates: 50 ° 59 '14.3 "  N , 7 ° 13' 53.4"  E
Elisa mine (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Elisa pit
Location Elisa pit
Location Bärbroich
local community Bergisch Gladbach
District ( NUTS3 ) Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis
country State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Country Germany
District Bensberg ore district

The Elisa mine is a former non-ferrous metal ore mine in the Bensberg ore district in Bergisch Gladbach . The site belongs to the Bärbroich district . The main operating point was between Bärbroich and Oberselbach near the Stockberg settlement.


The Elisa mine field was muted to zinc and lead ores on December 28, 1854 under the name Shakespeare . The award had been granted before 1860 but was not granted due to field disputes. The award in the name of Elisa took place on November 3, 1866 to the mine director Henry Dubois.

Operation and facilities

Nothing is known about the operations of the mine. Apparently no significant mining took place. The ore is therefore considered "unbuilt". However, traces of mining can still be found in the area. The relics of the Elisa mine can be found in a siefen north of Stockberg .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Herbert Stahl (editor), Gerhard Geurts, Herbert Ommer: Das Erbe des Erzes. Volume 2, The pits on the Gangerz deposits in the Bensberg ore district . Cologne 2004, ISBN 3-00-014668-7 , p. 78f.