Guido Bastianini

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Guido Bastianini (born September 10, 1945 in Florence ) is an Italian papyrologist , paleographer and classical philologist .


Bastianini acquired the laurea in Lettere in Florence in 1970 with a dissertation in papyrology and, after completing his military service in 1974, completed a perfectionamento in the same discipline at the same institution. After a period as a scholarship holder at the Istituto Papirologico “Girolamo Vitelli” in Florence (1972–1974), he was initially a lecturer ( contrattista , 1974–1981) and then a research assistant ( ricercatore , 1981) at the Università degli Studi di Firenze . At the same time he was a lecturer ( incaricato , a titolo gratuito ) in papyrology at the Università di Lecce (1974 / 75–1980 / 81).

In 1981 he was appointed full professor of papyrology at the Università degli Studi di Milano . He held this for seventeen years. At the same time he was head of the institute for papyrology at this university (1981 / 82–1997 / 98). There he was also chairman of the Consiglio del Corso di Laurea in Lettere of Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia (1988 / 89–1997 / 98) for ten years .

In addition, he was represented for a year in textual criticism at the Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia of the Università degli Studi di Firenze (1988/89) and then for seven years a representation in Egyptology (1990 / 91-1995 / 96).

In 1998 he was appointed to the Università degli Studi di Firenze, where he now holds the chair of papyrology and since 1999 head of the Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli »is. From 2001/02 to 2003/04 he was chairman of the Consiglio del Corso di Laurea in Lettere triennale , from 2008/09 to 2011/12 chairman of the Consiglio del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Philology, Literature and Ancient History.

From 2001 to 2007 he was also director of the Istituto Italiano per la Civiltà Egizia . He was also vice-chairman of the Association Internationale de Papyrologues .

Bastianini took part in various archaeological expeditions in Egypt organized by the Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli" and the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (March – April 1969, September – October 1972, April 1973), as well as in the excavation of Antinoe (September –October 1973, December 1974 – January 1975).

Research priorities

Bastianini has devoted his work to both documentary and literary papyri. Apart from the edition of papyri from various collections (Papiri della Società Italiana, Florence; Oxyrhynchus Papyri , Oxford; Papyri Archduke Rainer, Vienna; and Papyri Wessely Pragenses, Prague) and the critical revision of already edited texts, he has mainly focused on the administrative structures of the concentrated in Roman Egypt (especially strategists, prefects, royal scribes).

From 1985 on, Bastianini participated in the Corpus dei papiri filosofici , of which he was accepted into the editorial committee in 1995. In this context, he has re-edited fragments of the Cynic Diogenes , the De Veritate des Antiphon (with Fernanda Decleva Caizzi ), the Elementa Moralia of the Stoic Hierocles (with Anthony A. Long ) and the Berlin Commentary on Theaetetos Plato (with David Sedley ) . Bastianini is also a member of the International Editorial Committee of Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papiris Reperta (CLGP), the first fascicle of which appeared in 2004.

In 2001 Bastianini, together with Claudio Gallazzi and with the assistance of Colin Austin, did the editio princeps of P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309 published, which contains poems by the epigrammatist Poseidippus , a contemporary of Callimachus , to the extent of over 600 verses. In 2002, together with Colin Austin, all surviving fragments of Poseidippus were published.

Fonts (selection)

  • Gli strateghi dell'Arsinoites in epoca romana. Bruxelles 1972 (Papyrologica Bruxellensia 11).
  • La Lista dei prefetti d'Egitto dal 30 aC al 299 dC In: ZPE 17, 1975, 263-328.
  • with John Whitehorne: Strategi and Royal Scribes of Roman Egypt. Gonnelli, Firenze 1987 (Papyrologica Florentina XV).
  • Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta (CLGP) ediderunt G. Bastianini, M. Haslam, H. Maehler, F. Montanari, C. Römer, adiuvante M. Stroppa, Pars I: Commentaria et Lexica in Auctores, Vol. 1. Fasc . 1: Aeschines-Alcaeus. Saur, Munich-Leipzig 2004.
  • Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta (CLGP) ediderunt G. Bastianini, M. Haslam, H. Maehler, F. Montanari, C. Römer, adiuvante M. Stroppa, I.1.4 (Aristophanes-Bacchylides). Saur, Munich-Leipzig 2006.
  • with C. Gallazzi (Ed.): Papiri dell'Università di Milano - Posidippo di Pella, Epigrammi. LED Edizioni Universitarie, Milano 2001, ISBN 88-7916-165-2 .
  • with Colin Austin (Ed.), Posidippi Pellaei quae supersunt omnia. LED Edizioni Universitarie, Milano 2002, ISBN 88-7916-193-8 .

Web links

  • Personal page at the Università degli Studi di Firenze (contains curriculum vitae and list of publications)