Guido von Seckendorff

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Baron Guido Arthur Hartmann von Seckendorff (born February 18, 1829 in Tanne , Harz , † December 12, 1896 in Blumenau , Brazil ) was a German lieutenant, colonist and co-founder of the city of Blumenau in Brazil.


Guido Freiherr von Seckendorff was born as the son of the Brunswick miner William Freiherr von Seckendorff and his wife Jeanette nee Hartmann in Tanne. In Tanne, von Seckendorff was taught by the private tutor Christian Krigberg and was confirmed in Seesen in 1843 .

In 1851 he let Hermann Blumenau recruit him as a settler for the new colony of Blumenau in Brazil . He left Germany on March 18, 1852 via Hamburg on board the ship Emma Louise and reached Blumenau on June 3, 1852. Here he immediately volunteered for the war against Juan Manuel de Rosas . From November 1852 he took over command of the contingent of German volunteers from Viktor von Gilsa. For the participation in the war against Paraguay 1865-1870 he was appointed honorary lieutenant of the imperial army by Emperor Peter II. 1871.

He married Rosamunde Böhme on November 8, 1857 and their son Hugo von Seckendorff was born on February 17, 1858. From 1859 Guido von Seckendorff worked in the administration office of the colony in Brusque . In 1872 he was appointed justice of the peace and police chief of Blumenau. When Blumenau received town charter in 1880 , von Seckendorff became the first secretary of the town council and employee of Hermann Blumenau .

He retired in 1893 and died in Blumenau in 1896.


A memorial was erected in Blumenau in 1965 to commemorate the volunteers in the war against Paraguay under the command of Emil Odebrecht , Guido von Seckendorff and Viktor von Gilsa. In addition, the Rua Alferes Von Seckendorff (→ Alférez ) in the Água Verde district of Blumenau, consisting of middle-class single-family houses, was named after him.

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