Guilelmus de Lancea

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Guilelmus de Lancea (also Lanicia , Lanicea , Lanitia , Lavicea , Canitia , or Lancra ) was a brother minor from Aquitaine who wrote a manual for preachers before about 1310.

The name of his place of origin is passed down in the manuscripts in several variants and therefore cannot be identified. Some manuscripts state that he is a Franciscan from Aquitaine. In his book Dietae salutis ( day's marches to salvation ), first the sins , then the penance are dealt with, then the divine commandments , the evangelical counsels , the theological and cardinal virtues , the gifts of the Holy Spirit , seven beatitudes , the fruits of the Holy Spirit , the Last Judgment and Hell and Paradise discussed in the tenth and final section . Finally, in an appendix, the topics of this work for sermon use are opened up. Since this work was used by Johannes Rigaldi for his Compendium pauperis (written between 1311 and 1317), it must have been written before this. It has come down to us in numerous manuscripts, including a manuscript with a French translation. Already in the fifteenth century the Dieta salutis were printed several times, with some of these prints the attribution to Bonaventura began , among whose collected works they were printed until the nineteenth century.


  • Bonaventure: Opera omnia , ed. Adolphe Charles Peltier. Volume 8, Paris 1866, pp. 247-358 ( Hathi Trust ).


  • Silvia Pane: Guillelmus de Lanicia. In: Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi V.1 (2015) p. 61 ( Mirabile ).
  • Bertrand-Georges Guyot: La "Dieta salutis" and Jean Rigaud. In: Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 82 (1989) pp. 360–393.
  • Willibrord van Dijk: Guillaume de Lanicia. In: Dictionnaire de Spiritualité 6 (1967) Sp. 1218-1219.
  • Histoire litteraire de la France. 26. Quatorzième siècle. Paris 1873, pp. 552–555 ( digitized version from the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ).
  • Giovanni Giacinto Sbaraglia: Supplementum et castigatio ad scriptores trium ordinum S. Francisci a Waddingo, aliisve descriptos […]. Rom 1806, p. 692 ( digitized in the Google book search).

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  1. ^ Bertrand-Georges Guyot: La "Dieta salutis" et Jean Rigaud. In: Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 82 (1989) pp. 360–393, here especially pp. 361–365.
  2. ^ The manuscript lists with Johannes Baptist Schneyer: Repertory of the Latin Sermons of the Middle Ages for the period from 1150-1350. (Authors E - H). Aschendorff, Münster 1970, p. 475 and Bertrand-Georges Guyot: La "Dieta salutis" et Jean Rigaud. In: Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 82 (1989) pp. 376–384 can be supplemented.
  3. ^ Bertrand-Georges Guyot: La "Dieta salutis" et Jean Rigaud. In: Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 82 (1989) pp. 384–388.