Guillaume de Chartres

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Grand Master's coat of arms of Guillaumes de Chartres

Guillaume de Chartres ( German Wilhelm von Chartres , Latin Guillielmus de Carnoto or Willelmus de Carnoto , * around 1185; † August 26, 1218 before Damiette ) was the fourteenth Grand Master of the Templar Order from 1210 .


He is said to have been a son of Count Milon IV of Bar-sur-Seine , nothing else is known about his life before 1210. In that year he was elected to succeed Grand Master Philippe du Plessiez , who died in November 1209 .

As Grand Master, he assisted in 1210 in the coronation of John of Brienne as King of Jerusalem . During his tenure, the Knights Templar was very active in Spain and achieved important victories against the Moors .

From 1212 he tried with the help of Pope Innocent III. about the return of the former Templar castle Baghras from King Leo II of Lesser Armenia . In 1216 the castle was actually handed over to the Templars.

From 1217, the Templars took part in the Fifth Crusade under his leadership . After the Muslim castle on Mount Tabor was besieged unsuccessfully, Guillaume was one of those who spoke out in favor of an attack by the Crusader army on Egypt instead of Damascus. After some delay on the part of the European crusaders, who used the Templars to thoroughly prepare the expedition, the crusader army sailed in May 1218 from Akkon via the Templar castle Pelerin to the mouth of the Nile , where the Egyptian fortress city of Damiette was besieged. During the siege of the city, which lasted until November 1219, Guillaume de Chartres died in August 1218 of an illness, possibly typhoid .


  • Malcolm Barber: The new knighthood. A history of the Order of the Temple. Cambridge University Press, 1995, ISBN 0521558727 , p. 127 ff.

Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Marie-Luise Bulst-Thiele : Sacrae domus militae Templi hierosolymitani Magistri. Studies on the history of the Knights Templar (1118 / 1119–1314). Goettingen 1974.
  2. See Thomas Olivier : Historia Damiatina.
predecessor Office successor
Philippe du Plessiez Grand Master of the Knights Templar
Pedro de Montaigu