Gunnar Wiberg

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Gunnar Wiberg (* 1902 in Gothenburg ; † September 8, 1988 ) was a Swedish orthopedist .


Wiberg studied medicine at the Karolinska Institute , where he then worked as an assistant. After stints in Mariestad , Helsingborg and again at the Karolinska Institute, he came to Lund in 1944 , where he became chief doctor of orthopedics in 1945 and full professor in 1947. He held this position until 1969, after which he ran a private practice in Malmö for another 10 years .

From 1960 to 1966 he was President of the Scandinavian Orthopedic Society. In 1954 he became an honorary member of the German Society for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery .

In his private life he was an ambitious tennis player and dealt with carpentry work. He also developed wooden surgical shoes.


In 1941 he described four normal patella shapes ; this classification has remained until today. The Wiberg angle as a criterion for hip dysplasia is also named after him.

Individual evidence

  1. Goran CH Bauer: Gunnar Wiberg 1902-1988. In: Acta Orthopedica. Volume 59, 1988, No. 6, pp. 732-737 ( digitized version )
  2. ^ DGOOC website
  3. ^ Roentgenographic and anatomical studies on the Femoropatellar Joint. In: Acta Orhopaedica. Volume 12, 1941, pp. 319-410 ( digitized version )