Gustav Adolf Krauss

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Gustav Adolf Krauss (born April 25, 1888 in Diebach , † August 4, 1968 in Regensburg ) was a German forest scientist and soil scientist. He mainly devoted himself to questions of forest site studies.


Krauss began to study forest science at the Aschaffenburg Forestry University and was active in the Arminia Forest Corps in 1907 . When he was inactive , he moved to the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . After the First World War he passed the Bavarian State Forest Examination and became an assistant to Emil Ramann . During this time he developed the pipette method for determining the particle size, and received his doctorate in 1923. oec. publ. and completed his habilitation here just two years later. In the same year he succeeded Heinrich August Vater at the Tharandt Forestry University . In 1935 he changed to the chair for soil science at the Ludwig Maximilians University, which he held until his retirement in 1954. He was also the head of the Institute for Soil Science and Site Studies at the Munich Forest Research Institute .

The focus of his work was on regional forestry location research and the division and mapping of individual growth areas. On the basis of these site units, he examined the water balance, the root penetration, the humus layer and the nutrient content of leaves and needles. Like Walter Wittich's work for northern Germany, Krauss' work for central and southern Germany was groundbreaking in forest soil and site exploration. He was the first to describe pseudogleye .



  • with J. Danzl: Contributions to the expansion of mechanical soil analysis . Tharandter Forstliches Jahrbuch, Volume 79 (1928), pp. 363-378.
  • with F. Härtel: Schematic overview map of the distribution of natural soil types in Saxony . 1929, Tharandt, Leipzig.
  • with F. Härtel: Soil types and soil types in Saxony . In: Tharandter Forstliches Jahrbuch, Volume 81, 1930, pp. 131–147.
  • with W. Wobst: About the local causes of the silvicultural difficulties in the Vogtland slate area . Contributions to the location studies of Central Germany, Volume 4, 1935, Berlin: Paul Parey.
  • with K. Müller and G. Gärtner: Implementation of the abandonment of the spruce industry in the north-west Saxon Netherlands (with basic remarks about "similar" soil formations) . In: Tharandter Forstliches Jahrbuch, Volume 90, Issue 7/9, 1939, 715 pp.


  • W. Laatsch: On the 70th birthday of Gustav A. Krauss . In: Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt vol. 77, 1958, pp. 124–125.
  • W. Laatsch: Gustav Krauss in memory . In: Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt vol. 87, 1968, pp. 315-316 (with picture).

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 105 , 509.